Its true. I don't know if you remember in my last post how I stated how I was eager see what was coming our way this month? Well are ya'll ready for this?
I started a new job doing some merchandising in stores...really part time. THE WEEK AFTER I started I saw a job post for apartment managing couples in Rexburg. I applied and we got an interview scheduled for like two weeks out. I got kinda bummed because I read some reviews and I just felt uneasy...So I called on the second one and basically had it offered to us. I was SOO excited and almost took it. Then Trevor reminded me to pray and not to rush into things because I tend to do that! We had our phone interview with the first place and then she scheduled an onsite interview with us a week later. The next day we had another interview with the job I almost took and all the sudden I just got this peaceful warning, if thats possible, that I would be miserable. So when they offered us the job we told them no. I felt bad but I still had some high hopes for the other place. A week later came and we had our onsite interview, but then we had to wait a week to find out if we got it. PAUSE** We really wanted to move back up to Rexburg just for the sake of not having Trevor have to commute an hour everyday! It was expensive on gas and he was gone ALL day and then would come home and have to do homework! UNPAUSE** So Monday came, the day we'd find out if we got it. We didn't get called. I seriously was SO stressed all day. I couldn't stop thinking about moving. Then I figured that we didn't get it and it wasn't meant to be. After all there were only 100+ applicants. Someone probably needed it more than us...right?
WRONG! Nope, I guess Heavenly Father knew what we needed. We ended up getting a call later in the evening and got offered the job! WAHOO! So I started the next day to train in the office. All I can concentrate on...for how I was going to re-organize the office! It is interesting how people do things differently. I know I just have to have everything organized and pretty much in order to make my brain function. (And that is really only when I am house and husband would say differently!) My last office I had to redo everything. Anyway, the next day I came to train and the girl said, "Oh we are moving today" WHAAT? ok. cool? She ended up staying one extra day to make sure I grasped the basics, but then she was gone. We moved in the following Monday and we are just getting our lives organized! YIKES! I was eager to move but I hate moving! UGH!
Then Trevor finally decided that it was time to sell the honda. Man those are like hotcakes being served at breakfast! We had a lot of calls and people trying to top others. But we found a good home for it and now we are back to a one car family. We just didn't have a need to have two. Extra insurance and gas was stupid. And we live a whole half a mile away from campus so its not like its an impossible walk!
We have just seen the Lords hand in our lives and what a blessing it is to be here closer to campus w/o rent! Really? I don't know how we could be any more blessed! I know prayer works...even if it is a year and a half later! It works! I know there were many lessons that I learned and I gained a greater appreciation for my mother in law! I have such an incredible mother in law! She is the most charitable, giving person I have ever met! She taught me some great techniques on cooking and I know I was blessed to get to know her even better! We love you Connie!!!
Well our life still has a bunch of curves being thrown our way and I am really eager to live them! I just needed to post before I forgot all the things I wanted to say!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
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» Our life has changed!
Our life has changed!
10:06 PM
Congrats! That is so exciting!
that is so great! what awesome blessings. i hope the move goes well and things keep working out so smoothly!
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