Sunday, May 22, 2011

Walmart = Great & Spacious Building

Friday night, as I was pondering over everything, I had the thought to paint my table.  A couple nights earlier I made this board to hang my measuring cups up on, and I pulled out this dark gray (picked by Trevor).  As I was painting, I fell in love.  I have never been a gray  person, but something touched my heart when I started painting.   It almost became this weird obsession.  I told Trevor that I was going to paint the table gray and redo the chairs granny apple green.  He said it was Saturday I went to Wal-Mart and bought some spray paint and a pint of gray paint (I luckily found on clearance).

As I was waiting for my new paint color to finish shaking, I felt this warm wet sensation on my obliques.  I looked down and thought, "No....Ryker couldn't have just peed on me.  He has a diaper!"  So for a second longer I had this warm drizzle on me...nope, then it clicked.  A couple days earlier I thought I'd give the cheap diapers a chance.  They seemed to be doing well until that moment, standing in Wal-Mart that my white shirt became clear.  I didn't know what to do! I left the diaper bag in the car so I didn't have extra diapers, I didn't pack extra clothes cause I live in Rexburg where everything is a 5 minute drive, and my paint is almost done shaking.

So what do I do?  I just got over the fact that I have a puddle of pee on myself. *** Note to everybody...always make sure to use the sanitation wipes at the store because you never know who is using cheap diapers like myself.

I went to the always too long of a line at the checkout aisle and bought my spray paint.  I headed home and pulled my chairs out on the grass and starting painting, only to realize that I needed more spray paint.  Apparently spray paint doesn't go as far when you are spray circular objects.  UGH.  So I ran back to the store and stocked up on spray paint. I left Ryker at home with Trev.  I battled the crowd packed aisles and finally got up to the checkout aisle again, only to be asked for my ID.  What?! Apparently if you don't look 40 the cashiers who take their jobs too seriously will card you.  And heck yes I put up a fight.

First of all, I only brought my debit card.  I left my wallet in the diaper bag so the next time I go out I don't forget my wallet.  Second of all, I wasn't carded the first time because I had a baby on my hip.  The college kid who obviously thought Wal Mart was the best thing that ever happened to him, told me federal laws mumbo jumbo and I was like ??? Seriously?  What do you think I am going to do with spray paint?  I obviously still have no clue what people do with spray paint other than spray the paint! haha.  (Yes, I like to be that naive.)   So after a disgruntled argument I just stormed out of walmart and went home and got my son and my ID and went back to battle another long line.  How annoying right?

I handed my ID to the annoying checker and grabbed my paint and stormed out of Walmart again.  THEN guess what?  I ran out of spray paint again! So I hauled my butt back to Walmart, grabbed more paint, and never got carded! WHY? because apparently when you have a baby on your hip, you look 40!  Or people would gladly allow you to go huff some fumes because being a parent is hard work! I really don't know!

The best part, is there was a manager standing right there the first time I went in.  I argued with the same manager my second time around.  And the third time around she was standing there.  Never making sure that my ID was checked the 1st and 3rd time when I had Ryker with me.  UGH!

Are you bored of reading my blog yet?  I just needed to vent that Walmart and I have a love/hate relationship.  But since I live in Rexburg, population of 10,000...we get a half of walmart.  And since every other store around charges double their prices and closes at 5, I get to battle the great and spacious Walmart.

I still have to paint my table...but I am already in love with my granny apple green chairs!  I'll post some pics as soon as its done.

Also some great news.  I went to LuLu & Oliver boutique and showed them my ties.  She is going to start carrying my ties! Wahoo.  So is Mommy n'Me.  So if you want a tie for your little man, you can find them at these two stores...or of course you can just email me and get them through me! SO fun!


Justin and Kristin said...

Congrats on the ties!!
And at WalMart, if an undercover person comes through, and you don't card, you will be fired on the spot and the store will get a fine! People use it to spray in a lunch sack and then huff it like when u hyperventalate. My sister got a guy w/ gold all around his mouth trying to buy some once.