Thursday, April 14, 2011

Camping in April!!

=Yesterday got us so excited to go camping! It was warm (for Idaho weather) and beautiful! Trevor and I took Ryker on a walk last night at 9 oclock.  I know...kinda late for a walk. But it was quiet, and really peaceful. And Ryk loved the moon and sky.  He watched the moon the whole time. We sound weird huh? haha. My favorite part of the summer is not only the warm weather and fun summer activities, but the star gazing! I love LOVE love star gazing! We got to talking about how excited we are to go camping, so we decided to pitch our tent in the backyard and give it a go.  I really wanted to back out and just go to bed, but Trev talked me into it! And I'm glad we did! We popped popcorn, and brought out lots and lots of blankets, and put Diary of a Wimpy Kid in the laptop and snuggled up as a family. It was a lot of fun.  It made me crave a HOBO dinner over the fire or some yummy toasted starbusts...but I guess we'll have to wait til summer. We brought a space heater out with us to help keep the tent toasty, but by 1:30am we migrated back in the house to our warm beds! It got really cold...well my face was pretty cold and since I was snuggling Ryk I think my cold face kept his tossing.

  Anyway, it was a lot of fun! It brought back the fun memories of sleep overs and "stayin up late." 

Camping in the backyard
Trevor also finished up the semester with fabulous grades! He has had all week off and I LOVE IT! It is so nice to have an extra set of hands! He is such a great dad and I know Ryk is going to miss him! I just can't toss Ryk around like Trev can! I am going to miss him when he goes back to school too! 

Also....KLCE is doing the Second Chance Prom April 30th. I am SO excited! I talked Trevor into going and I am really excited. I haven't been to a dance since high school! I think this town needs a lot more entertaining events and I am just glad they have one thing, once a year! Anyone want to go? I think I am more excited to look for a dress and go on a fun date with the hubs than I am to dance! Which says a lot! :)

We also have a lot to be thankful for this month! We headed down to Utah to go to my mission reunions! I got to see some old comps and friends and of course the Pres and wife. It was great! Then we stayed with Megs and had some yummy PF Changs for dinner...cinnamon rolls for breakfast and watched Saturday session of conference. We also got to go see some friends in SLC and their cute new duplex! Amy just had their second baby, Ben. He is SOOO adorable! Ryk got to play with Grant and it was fun to see how much Grant has learned! Amy and Jeff have some of the cutest little boys ever!!! I wish I had taken some pics but you all will just have to take my word! Then we stayed with our friends Saturday night an had a yummy bbq. My friend Malorie is full term prego and she was absolutely adorable! I even turned into the weird lady who had to rub her belly! haha. Thanks Marj for letting me! ha. We had fun playing at their house and Ryk had fun chasing Murry dog around. Sorry Cancholas for the torture! We headed home and tried to listen to conference but there was some spanish music channel in the background so it was really hard to focus on the talks.  We have seen the Lords hands in our life tremendously over the last couple of weeks and just to have great friends  is one of our greatest blessings!  

I am eager to see what this month brings and I seriously can't wait for summer! I also sold my jogger and got this beautiful new jogger! I love it! And I think Ryk likes it better too. I am ready for some steady warm weather!