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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Walmart = Great & Spacious Building

Friday night, as I was pondering over everything, I had the thought to paint my table.  A couple nights earlier I made this board to hang my measuring cups up on, and I pulled out this dark gray (picked by Trevor).  As I was painting, I fell in love.  I have never been a gray  person, but something touched my heart when I started painting.   It almost became this weird obsession.  I told Trevor that I was going to paint the table gray and redo the chairs granny apple green.  He said it was Saturday I went to Wal-Mart and bought some spray paint and a pint of gray paint (I luckily found on clearance).

As I was waiting for my new paint color to finish shaking, I felt this warm wet sensation on my obliques.  I looked down and thought, "No....Ryker couldn't have just peed on me.  He has a diaper!"  So for a second longer I had this warm drizzle on me...nope, then it clicked.  A couple days earlier I thought I'd give the cheap diapers a chance.  They seemed to be doing well until that moment, standing in Wal-Mart that my white shirt became clear.  I didn't know what to do! I left the diaper bag in the car so I didn't have extra diapers, I didn't pack extra clothes cause I live in Rexburg where everything is a 5 minute drive, and my paint is almost done shaking.

So what do I do?  I just got over the fact that I have a puddle of pee on myself. *** Note to everybody...always make sure to use the sanitation wipes at the store because you never know who is using cheap diapers like myself.

I went to the always too long of a line at the checkout aisle and bought my spray paint.  I headed home and pulled my chairs out on the grass and starting painting, only to realize that I needed more spray paint.  Apparently spray paint doesn't go as far when you are spray circular objects.  UGH.  So I ran back to the store and stocked up on spray paint. I left Ryker at home with Trev.  I battled the crowd packed aisles and finally got up to the checkout aisle again, only to be asked for my ID.  What?! Apparently if you don't look 40 the cashiers who take their jobs too seriously will card you.  And heck yes I put up a fight.

First of all, I only brought my debit card.  I left my wallet in the diaper bag so the next time I go out I don't forget my wallet.  Second of all, I wasn't carded the first time because I had a baby on my hip.  The college kid who obviously thought Wal Mart was the best thing that ever happened to him, told me federal laws mumbo jumbo and I was like ??? Seriously?  What do you think I am going to do with spray paint?  I obviously still have no clue what people do with spray paint other than spray the paint! haha.  (Yes, I like to be that naive.)   So after a disgruntled argument I just stormed out of walmart and went home and got my son and my ID and went back to battle another long line.  How annoying right?

I handed my ID to the annoying checker and grabbed my paint and stormed out of Walmart again.  THEN guess what?  I ran out of spray paint again! So I hauled my butt back to Walmart, grabbed more paint, and never got carded! WHY? because apparently when you have a baby on your hip, you look 40!  Or people would gladly allow you to go huff some fumes because being a parent is hard work! I really don't know!

The best part, is there was a manager standing right there the first time I went in.  I argued with the same manager my second time around.  And the third time around she was standing there.  Never making sure that my ID was checked the 1st and 3rd time when I had Ryker with me.  UGH!

Are you bored of reading my blog yet?  I just needed to vent that Walmart and I have a love/hate relationship.  But since I live in Rexburg, population of 10,000...we get a half of walmart.  And since every other store around charges double their prices and closes at 5, I get to battle the great and spacious Walmart.

I still have to paint my table...but I am already in love with my granny apple green chairs!  I'll post some pics as soon as its done.

Also some great news.  I went to LuLu & Oliver boutique and showed them my ties.  She is going to start carrying my ties! Wahoo.  So is Mommy n'Me.  So if you want a tie for your little man, you can find them at these two stores...or of course you can just email me and get them through me! SO fun!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Proud Mama

This post is long over due.  Ryker started walking awhile ago but it was mostly just a couple steps here and there.  Now he has figured out that its not so bad.  He usually picks a target and then walks to it but he is getting better at turning and balancing.  It is so fun!  We love watching him with his arms outstretched like he is on a constant balance beam.  I really can't describe the fulfillment I feel when I see him do something we taught him.  I know most parents can relate...but I think it is quite the blessing to watch these little babies grow up! Its sad sometimes when he doesn't want to snuggle with mommy and daddy.  I just hope we can teach him all the good things he needs to know!

Some other funny stories.  Trevor was giving Ryker a bath and I was talking with someone at the door.  All of a sudden Ryker started screaming and I just heard Trev yell..."LICIA???"  So I ran in the bathroom to find the tub drained, Ryker screaming at the edge of the tub and Trevor just standing in the hallway.  I look in the tub and Ryker is reaching for me to get him...He had done his duty in the tub and instead of cleaning it out, Trev left the dirty duty for me to deal with.  Haha. It was gross but what can ya do?  A couple of days later I was giving Ryker a bath and low and behold the thought came, "Ryker hasn't pooped today." (The thoughts that go through a mom's head right?)  Not even a second later Ryker gets this worried look and starts screaming.  I whip his little body out and put him on the toilet and not even a second later we hear "PLOP"  I know...sorry graphic. But it was a day to record that Ryker used the big boy potty!  Maybe potty training will be in the near future! (haha...yeah right! I can only hope it'd be that easy!)

I think somewhere in between those days, I was getting the water ready for Ryker's bath.  I usually just let him sit on my lap while the water fills up.  But something was different this time.  My legs got really warm and wet...yes...Ryker had peed my pants!  I stood up laughing pretty hard but unfortunately didn't get a picture because I don't know why.  But I think that is the first time I can say someone else peed my pants!

Oh the joys of motherhood!  Speaking of!  I never thought I would have the barefoot, food crusted kid at the store.  That was TOTALLY me today!  We bought some sandals for Ryk but I have misplaced one of them.  I walked into Broulim's today and I had my hair in a bun and looked like I just woke up.  And you know the fabulous thing? I had a baby on my hip who was food crusty face, I got some looks of sympathy from other moms that were like, "I've been there!" haha.  How wonderful it is to be a mom! I really don't care somedays and thats just fine with me!

Ryker has just grown so much since we've moved here. It is insane!!

I also wanted to show you this super cute diaper bag I am making for my friend who just had a baby.  Sorry its not a surprise Malorie! haha.

Blue sucker...I was stoked that he actually stuck out his tongue when I asked! Haha.

Diaper Bag!
I don't think these pictures do justice.  Hopefully it is as cute as I think it is!

This is one of my new fav pics!  These are our  3D glasses. cute!
I also just finished reading Heaven is for Real.  I would recommend if you are looking for an easy read.  It was inspirational even though there are some parts that I am still a little unsure of.  It is about a little boy who went to "Heaven" and had quite the story to tell regarding it.  It makes me think of heaven in a way I guess I didn't really imagine.  I am just grateful for the Plan of Salvation because we know what to look forward to as most people I don't think give much thought to.  It was a cool little book.

I know there was more I wanted to say, but I just can't remember now that I am sitting down and typing!  Hopefully you enjoy the videos and don't mind our messy apartment.  Ha. It is never clean though so who I am I kidding! :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Oh HAPPY day!

I just needed to tell you that I bought a Silhouette SD!!! WAHOO! Thanks Amazon for giving me a FABULOUS deal! Trevor let me order it for mother's day.  I got it on Saturday and I have NEVER been so excited over a gift! Well besides Ryker and getting married and all the obvious things.  I knew it was coming on Saturday so I waited and waited for the FedEx truck to pull in.  I watched the truck stop at the wrong building, walk up a few flights of stairs and then got up the courage to show my excitement.  I ran out to meet the FedEx lady as she asked...Are you #39?  I said "YES!!! And I am SOOO excited!"  She laughed and we parted ways.  I ran inside, and literally ripped the box open and pulled everything out.  My boxes were scattered through our living room and Trevor walked in half hour later to see the massacre.  Luckily Ryker was asleep so I could really savor the moment.  When Trev saw me he just looked at me and said, "Well, Happy Mother's Day?" haha. I couldn't stand to wait.  I couldn't wait. So there were no pictures because I was by myself, acting like a child on Christmas morning.  I made my Mother's Day cards on it even though I was still trying to figure it out! Ha.

So this means I can make ALL the vinyl sayings and decor I have been dreaming about!! Girls night anyone?

My mother's day was great.  We had some yummy french toast and Ryker ate it! Then we went to one of our new wards (we are still unsure where we are going) that started at 11.  Remember when 11 was the BEST time ever? Thats when I didn't have a kid whose nap time was in the middle of Sacrament! OH MY WORD! Ryker needed a nap BADLY. We attempted Sunday School in hopes he would fall asleep but we didn't last 2 minutes in there.  Poor newlyweds! It was quiet and peaceful until we walked in.  The other ward we can go to starts at 1 but HELLO? Thats in the middle of naptime! So we are going inactive! haha. JK but really. We are going to see if we can go to a 9 oclock church because that time works! Is that so bad? Don't tell me if it is b/c I won't listen.

Then I got to take a yummy nap! A whole hour! Jealous? Then we went back down to IF town and had dinner with Trev's mom and dessert with my mom.  I can't say how grateful I am to have such incredible women in my life who have set a bar for my to reach!  My sister in law, Crystal, is one of the craftiest people I know. You know that kind that puts your two hour project to shame with a twist of a ribbon! She made a photobook of our family vacation.  It was SOO cute! We went to Bear Lake last year and had a BLAST boating and tubing and burning.  I just lost my thought as to what I wanted to say.

HMM...(pause to re-think my thoughts) Oh yes!  She had a picture of me in a swimming suit! Thats right! I think I found the picture I need to tatoo to my arm.  If I ever needed an incentive to run, this picture would do it!  YUCK! So two things...1. I need to run b/c someday I am going to run a marathon and 2...I need a new swimsuit! ha.  Has anyone seen any cute ones? Please direct me!

I just want to say how fun it is to read others blogs! I don't know how many of you have read my BFF's blog, but she FINALLY announced shes prego. I am good at keeping secrets but DANG! This one killed me! So shout out to the new mommy to be...Megsters! I am so excited!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Our life has changed!

Its true.  I don't know if you remember in my last post how I stated how I was eager see what was coming our way this month? Well are ya'll ready for this?

I started a new job doing some merchandising in stores...really part time. THE WEEK AFTER I started I saw a job post for apartment managing couples in Rexburg.  I applied and we got an interview scheduled for like two weeks out.  I got kinda bummed because I read some reviews and I just felt uneasy...So I called on the second one and basically had it offered to us. I was SOO excited and almost took it. Then Trevor reminded me to pray and not to rush into things because I tend to do that! We had our phone interview with the first place and then she scheduled an onsite interview with us a week later.  The next day we had another interview with the job I almost took and all the sudden I just got this peaceful warning, if thats possible, that I would be miserable.  So when they offered us the job we told them no. I felt bad but I still had some high hopes for the other place.  A week later came and we had our onsite interview, but then we had to wait a week to find out if we got it. PAUSE** We really wanted to move back up to Rexburg just for the sake of not having Trevor have to commute an hour everyday! It was expensive on gas and he was gone ALL day and then would come home and have to do homework! UNPAUSE** So Monday came, the day we'd find out if we got it.  We didn't get called.  I seriously was SO stressed all day.  I couldn't stop thinking about moving. Then I figured that we didn't get it and it wasn't meant to be. After all there were only 100+ applicants. Someone probably needed it more than us...right?

WRONG! Nope, I guess Heavenly Father knew what we needed. We ended up getting a call later in the evening and got offered the job! WAHOO! So I started the next day to train in the office.  All I can concentrate on...for how I was going to re-organize the office! It is interesting how people do things differently. I know I just have to have everything organized and pretty much in order to make my brain function. (And that is really only when I am house and husband would say differently!)  My last office I had to redo everything. Anyway, the next day I came to train and the girl said, "Oh we are moving today" WHAAT? ok. cool? She ended up staying one extra day to make sure I grasped the basics, but then she was gone.  We moved in the following Monday and we are just getting our lives organized! YIKES! I was eager to move but I hate moving! UGH!

Then Trevor finally decided that it was time to sell the honda.  Man those are like hotcakes being served at breakfast! We had a lot of calls and people trying to top others. But we found a good home for it and now we are back to a one car family.  We just didn't have a need to have two. Extra insurance and gas was stupid.  And we live a whole half a mile away from campus so its not like its an impossible walk!

We have just seen the Lords hand in our lives and what a blessing it is to be here closer to campus w/o rent! Really? I don't know how we could be any more blessed!  I know prayer works...even if it is a year and a half later! It works! I know there were many lessons that I learned and I gained a greater appreciation for my mother in law!  I have such an incredible mother in law! She is the most charitable, giving person I have ever met! She taught me some great techniques on cooking and I know I was blessed to get to know her even better!  We love you Connie!!!

Well our life still has a bunch of curves being thrown our way and I am really eager to live them!  I just needed to post before I forgot all the things I wanted to say!