Wednesday, December 1, 2010

***I'm dreaming of a Crafty Christmas***

Oh my gosh I am so excited about this Christmas. Last year was really hard because I was pregnant and working and I just felt like the season passed by me too quickly to even enjoy it! I went Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve (BAD idea) and I didn't get anything I wanted. SO...this year I made sure to get started earlier! And now I wish I had started even earlier! Now I know for next year!

I have THE greatest time staying home! I LOVE it! For lots of reasons, mainly because I get to be with Ryker. But the others are great too, like getting to be crafty with things around the house. I recently found a couple of blogs that I LOOOOVVVVE!!!! You should go check them out.

I have a whole list but you can get to most of the other ones by these ones. They are seriously FABULOUS if you love to be crafty with a lower budget!

One of my friends from church invited me to be part of her craft group. It is SERIOUSLY so fun. I would do it weekly if I could. We got together and made some super cute Turkeys for the Thanksgiving time. I already packed it away and didn't take a picture of it, but it turned out really cute. We each just brought some scrapbook paper, paint, modpodge and wood. We each brought different things to share and just used what we had. It was a great time to make new friends and get to know friends better! We had dinner together and just enjoyed out time being crafty! And the turkey was small enough I could just add it to my holiday decor with ease.

Thanksgiving was fun. We stayed home, and everyone came to us. We had 18 around the table and well, a full house! Connie was of course the busiest with EVERYTHING she was making....I helped make the rolls! haha..and of course eating. We had the traditional dinner and it was great. Next year though Trev and I agree that we would like to try some new recipes. So if you have a fabulous recipe you want to share (I KNOW! I can't believe I am even asking) feel free to email me or post it.  It would just be fun to spice up the traditional dinner and try new things! Later that night we all went to a movie. We were surprised to see how full the theater was, and we couldn't find 18 seats to sit together...except the front row!  We went to see the adorable movie Tangled. It was SOOO cute! I love clean movies that you don't have to worry about profanity or nudity! It was just a great day! We brought Ryker and yeah we had to work with him a little in the theater but he had fun with our straws in our drinks. He thought those were pretty funny. 

I went out Friday to do some shopping....I don't even know why I tried. It was pointless. I got to a store I finally decided on and went in to get a present and they didn't even have it in the store. The lady was like, "Ohhh hunny we didn't even get those in our shipment. But you could go online and order it!" Well DUH! I know. If I wanted to wait for 3 weeks to get it I would've done that in the first place. Anyway, needless to say, I went to the store to order it anyway online! Then I battled WalMart and then I just gave up. It just wasn't worth it! I went home and we put up our Christmas tree and decorations. I have NEVER put our tree up so early but I think it was perfect. I could hardly wait to decorate and get our stuff up! We got some new ornaments and I got a SUPER cute NOEL letters from my sis-in-law.

My cute letters from Crystal. And yep, we're watching Baby Einstein.

Our little tree...we have to get a new one...this one broke!

Our nativity, and the sign Trevor bought me from The Forgotten Carols.

Last night we went to The Forgotten Carols by Michael McLean. It was so good. I have only been one other time and that was when I was 16 or 17. And I really didn't even remember what it was about. (Go figure!) It was so fun! I definately want that to be a new tradition for us!  My mom came over and watched Ryker. I know they both had fun together! 

Ryker figured out the Sippy cup...and he loves it!

 Well I have added a few more pictures of Ryker. We took him out on one of the days it was snowing like crazy. Trev was holding him and scraping off the windows and he thought it was SOOO funny! Ryker love the snow and hopefully soon we'll be able to take him sledding!

Ryker thought it was so funny that Trev was clearing off the cars.


Justin and Kristin said...

Looks like a great start to the holidays!!