This is a wierd post but thought I'd write it down for my sake. For the last week I have been trying to cut Ryker's fingernails! I am obviously still a new mom because this task is still an obstacle for me! I used to be able to just cut them when he was asleep, but lately, not the case! He is getting to be a good sleeper! (Finally after 9 months of restless nights) and well I just don't want to jinx it! It is great now in the fact that I can simply lay him in his crib and he (most of the time) will just nuzzle down and put himself to sleep. Downfall, I can't cut his little nails in dim light over his crib w/o him waking up. So the last couple of days I have cut one fingernail per nap, literally thats about all he'll let me do! The first time I tried I woke him up and he stayed up. 1/2 hour nap is not nearly long enough for my little monster or for me to get anything done!, Ryker was rolling around while I was getting a tie order finished and he rolled over to the diaper bag and fell asleep. FINALLY, I have some good light and a better angle to get those razor sharp nails. I really have felt awful because he has scratches all over from those claws. I took a picture because I wanted to remember this sweet little occassion, and cause he is just so stinkin cute!
Friday, December 3, 2010
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» Finally!!
12:21 PM
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Another thought I'd like to add is that I am loving this little age of his. Today he is 9 months! I can hardly believe it. I always thought people were crazy when they say, "They just grow up so fast..." and now I completely agree and understand! We've come along way with his health and he is now a happy,chubby, breathing little boy who I absolutely adore! But like I was saying, I like this stage. He is such a little explorer and I can see that it is really wearing him out. He is starting to just fall asleep easily and almost anywhere. The other night Trev and I were watching the Office, and Ryker was sitting on Trevor's lap. Out of the corner of Trev's eye he saw Ryker's head bob. Ryker was sitting up and fell asleep. I LOVE IT! So funny! I can't wait til he falls asleep in his high chair or in the middle of lunch.
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