Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rained OUT!

We just got home from our Softball game. We always have such an awesome turnout and we never we always win no matter what the score may be! Trev had to go back to work and Ryker fell I find myself...for a brief moment, alone! It is lonely!!! haha. But nice!
Its wierd how rain can put me in a "I want to be in sweats and drink hot chocolate" mood...even in the middle of summer! So I put on my long john g's...sweat pants...and a comfy T...sitting in the dark, enjoying the sound of the raindrops in the grass puddles.
Talk about relaxing!! Now all I need is some Hot Cocoa...but we are out! :(

Well, I thought I'd do a post...I wanted to show you my crafts! By the way..being a stay-at-home-mommy ROCKS my world! I LOVE IT!!! Recently, I made some cute little canvas boards for my neices rooms...and a picture board...and...ReAdY for this??? A DUVET COVER!!! Thats right folks...I borrowed a sewing machine and did a little patchwork! I had to unstitch the same piece NO JOKING atleast five times! I don't know what my problem was! I checked and checked but each time I finished that piece, I would look at it and it was backwards again! HOW?!? And then for some reason, I only thought of a better way to do something when I wast close to be done or couldn't turn back! I really need to learn how to think things out a little better! Note to self...when sewing a blanket...don't do the outside parts first and then try do the middle! It doesn't work well! Thank goodness Jayda will love me either way!
I didn't get a picture of the duvet I will post that later! Needless to say...I'm pretty proud that I started and finished a project in 48 hours!

this is a sign I made for Amarrah and Thalia's room

this is Jayda's sign

and this is the picture board


Justin and Kristin said...

Those are super cute!! Great job! I love projects like that! I just finished making Hailey's name for above her crib, it was fun!

Tennessa B. said...

My girls love these! Thank you for your hard work! :)