Really? Its been 6 months? Well...I am just as outdated in my journal! Awful...I know! And I really should be studying my lesson I am going to teach today...but I just don't want to. So lets play catch up...
As you all know...I'm not pregnant anymore! WeHadaBabyItsaBoy...and he is 4 1/2 months young. He gets cuter every day! I just love the little monster! Everyday he gets funnier and I love watching him figure out life!
The first two months of his life, I thought...why would anyone want kids?! This is awful! We had to stay in the NICU for the first 8 days, and wait for my turn to be a mommy. I had to battle handful of nurses who, for the most part, were very kind...but still...I wouldn't wish the NICU upon any new parents! It is hard going home without a baby and with a hollow tummy! I remember going to church the Sunday after he was born, and that was the first time I felt "Hollow." I didn't have my little attachment. No more tummy kicks or elbow rolls to my was just me. I remember the speakers were so inspiring and I really felt the love of my Father in Heaven.
I remember going "home" (which was a hotel 2 miles away from the hospital) and praying harder than ever to make Ryker whole and healthy! I pleaded that I would have the strength to trust the doctors and allow them to work on him. It seemed everyday there was a new needle in time we came in to see an IV in his head! Talk about heartbreaking! There was more than once when I felt an overwhelming amount of love from a completely understanding Father who knew how it felt to leave a son alone. I know that the Atonement helped me get through my labor, delivery, and through everyday since Ryker's birh! I am so thankful for my Savior!
We left the hospital on the 11th and claimed a new temporary residence at the Candlewood Suites. Connie's house was under construction and with our little man on oxygen we couldn't take him in all the construction dust! It was nice to have our own little place for a while and kinda recover from all that happened. I was so blessed in that Trevor got to take off two weeks of Paternity leave! Seriously so amazing! His manager, Jeff is one of the greatest managers!
When we left Candlewood Ryker was ready to breathe on his own! Taking him off the oxygen was SOO scary. I was so paranoid...but Trevor and I joked that we had been upgraded to a bluetooth wires attached!
Since then its just gone by fast! Ryker came to term with life and has started to smile and now laugh. He and I go for runs in the morning when its not too windy. He is my little man and I love him more than I ever thought possible! It is fun watching Trevor be a daddy! He is so great and has definately learned a lot of patience...which we are both still trying to achieve!
He has so many cousins and aunts and uncles and of course grandparents that love him. He is definately spoiled!
As for our little family, we are great! We are still living with Connie, which has been a huge blessing. I can stay home with Ryker! Trevor got a great promotion which landed him some insurance!
We recently became a one car family. And I discovered these great things call legs! They carry me where I need to go! Which has been fun! We are probably going to sell Trevor's little honda and upgrade to a bigger family car.
Thats basically our life in a nutshell. I have so much more to say, but this post is gigantic and I don't know if any of you will even get to finish it! haha. Anyway, I am going to try and blog more and show off my cute crafts! haha...hopefully Ryker will take longer naps so I can!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
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» A Little Outdated...
A Little Outdated...
9:14 AM
So glad you finally got with the program.. I have been waiting for an update...
Ysy, you're back! I made it to the end! Waiting for more...
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