Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lunch Lady Land and Pull my hair out while you're at it!

So, I recently got on here and started typing a blog, and guess what happened?! No the internet didn't fail, no my computer didn't shut off randomly, and no there was no interruption.
I started typing a paragraph and all the sudden, my maternity mood swings swung, and I didn't want to do it anymore. So I deleted it! Maybe today I'll post something without deleting it or changing my mind.
Some of you know that I got a new job! Yes, Awesome! I was going nuts just staying at home, waiting for our piece of Heaven. I applied for a PE teacher position and had a great interview that I prayed I wouldn't get! ha. I know, yet again, my indecisiveness. Yes, I prayed I wouldn't get the job even though it is my dream job. WHY? I don't know, mostly because I really know I should be staying home. And it really ripped my heart out to think I wouldn't be w/him for more than half the day.
Anyway, the school called me and asked me to be a substitute, which I think I could totally do. Then a day later the principal called and told me that they had a position was only a couple of hours a day and they thought of me. I was stoked and asked what the position was for..."Well, we are looking for someone to help in the lunchroom" So there ya have it, I said yes and I am the new LUNCH LADY!!! No hairnets attached, just going to be taking attendance!
So I was doing my thing on Tuesday and the VP came up and asked if I could stay and sub. I'm thinking sure, two hours more, no prob!
THIRD GRADE and TWO HOURS LATER I was passed out on the couch. GEEZE who knew that our teachers could work so hard! I had three kids I swear that put new gray to my "natural" highlights! One kids told me how much he hated everyone and how no one likes him. and How he is bound and determined to get in trouble. Another kid somehow kept "falling" out of his chair and the other was the worst case ADHD i've ever seen! He had a chair but was at every other table than his own teasing and taunting kids. I thought to myself, I'm so grateful I am just a sub!!! And that today is over. LOW AND BEHOLD the VP walks in and asks me to come back!
I gladly accepted the challenge. Dang right I'll be back. I'll be back to show them whats up!!! haha. Or to only be tortured again.
Unfortunately the teacher only sent in her lesson plans the day of, so I had no clue what I was doing until I was doing it! A couple of times throughout the day I had to "remind" them to keep quiet. Yeah right! Thats like telling a rocket to please just whistle on the way up. I told them that I didn't want to hear voices louder than six inches...WHAT THE?! Who says that anymore.
I had this kid come up to me, dead serious, who mind you is as tall as me! Straight face and asks, "What if you hear like crayons coloring or like pencils writing?! Or what if I like have to get something out of my binder and you hear that?!" I tell you I must have scared that little boy so bad that he thought I shouldn't hear a dang thing! I tried not to laugh and just told him that those noises were good noises. ha! Needless to say I was exhausted again my day 2. VP walks in again and said...Teacher is still sick. Can you come back tomorrow? I convinced myself to say yes and day 3 came! YOWZERS!
Today was better except that I didn't get to teach all the things I was supposed to. Hopefully the teacher can figure out where I left off! I did have to call her a couple of times today and she told me that this was her hardest class she has ever had! The principal reaffirmed her statement when he told me that I had a challenging class. It seemed as though the teachers outside of our classroom pittied me because everytime they saw me, they gave me an encouraging smile. One teacher told me today, "Man, I'm glad I'm not you!" ahhh, the love!
I really did enjoy it. But I'm pretty sure I enjoyed the nap after more!!
And I definately appreciate my past teachers a whole lot more!!! It still amazes me that teachers are some of the most underpaid people! Seriously, I think they need a raise and the next time you see a teacher, give them a hug and thank them for their amazing patience!! I know I'll never look at a teacher the same!


Tennessa B. said...

Hahaha! I love it, Alicia! Think of this as really good practice for motherhood, except that you won't get to clock out at 3:00! :)

WhitneyNTyson said...

HAHA... Wow sounds like one very exciting week. Just getting you ready to be a MOTHER! :)

Justin and Kristin said...

Wow! I had no idea you wanted to be a teacher?! It's pretty crazy!
A Couple hours a day sounds like a pretty good job!

Jaimie said...

No no no... that is not practice for motherhood. That's just suckiness. You will be loving life to just be with your one--the one you love and know.
Yeah, I could never be a teacher. I'd be so bad at it. My husband is an 8th grade teacher and sometimes I have no clue how he can stand it.

Ashley & Donnie said...

What a great story that was!!! I was laughing out loud! I am sure your were a great lunch lady and teacher! And I am sure we were perfect angels when we were their age! :)