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Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 is almost over?!?

It is really crazy how quick each year seems to go by faster and faster! I can't believe that this year is almost over! The beginning of this year I was pregnant and working as a substitute and LUNCH LADY (miss that!), to having a baby, to HOLY MOLY this year is almost over! It always seems the summer flies by too quickly, but now its winter and I can feel spring in my bones. I am sure it will be here before I know it! And I am so excited because I have a couple friends who are going to have their baby! WAHOO! I love babies!

We finally got some family pictures taken...Thanks Ashley! (Ashley MacKay Photography)

Well, I'll post some Christmas pics. And of course they are glamorous. Now you can see what we look like when we wake up...scarey? Yep...What a fun day! We went and looked at the lights around town on Christmas Eve. I love the Christmas spirit! We watched Christmas Vacation, I hope my house looks like that! hahaha. What a fun movie!

I got this adorable book with some tickle monster gloves! SOOO stinkin cute!

Ryker was obviously excited for a new toy to climb on!

Trev got some soft socks to keep his fetish going. And some Jordan shorts.
Ryker is worn out from all the excitement.
I did flip this pic but when I added it, it reverted back. Anyway, he is such a strong little boy! haha.
Well we have plenty more pictures but this is all you get! All is well in the Atkinson home and I really am dreading having to take down the christmas tree. Well Ryk is grabbing at the keyboard so I must go.  Happy New Year Ya'll.  See ya next year.

Friday, December 3, 2010


This is a wierd post but thought I'd write it down for my sake. For the last week I have been trying to cut Ryker's fingernails! I am obviously still a new mom because this task is still an obstacle for me! I used to be able to just cut them when he was asleep, but lately, not the case! He is getting to be a good sleeper! (Finally after 9 months of restless nights) and well I just don't want to jinx it! It is great now in the fact that I can simply lay him in his crib and he (most of the time) will just nuzzle down and put himself to sleep. Downfall, I can't cut his little nails in dim light over his crib w/o him waking up. So the last couple of days I have cut one fingernail per nap, literally thats about all he'll let me do! The first time I tried I woke him up and he stayed up. 1/2 hour nap is not nearly long enough for my little monster or for me to get anything done!, Ryker was rolling around while I was getting a tie order finished and he rolled over to the diaper bag and fell asleep. FINALLY, I have some good light and a better angle to get those razor sharp nails. I really have felt awful because he has scratches all over from those claws.  I took a picture because I wanted to remember this sweet little occassion, and cause he is just so stinkin cute!

Another thought I'd like to add is that I am loving this little age of his. Today he is 9 months! I can hardly believe it. I always thought people were crazy when they say, "They just grow up so fast..." and now I completely agree and understand! We've come along way with his health and he is now a happy,chubby,  breathing little boy who I absolutely adore!  But like I was saying, I like this stage. He is such a little explorer and I can see that it is really wearing him out. He is starting to just fall asleep easily and almost anywhere. The other night Trev and I were watching the Office, and Ryker was sitting on Trevor's lap. Out of the corner of Trev's eye he saw Ryker's head bob. Ryker was sitting up and fell asleep. I LOVE IT! So funny! I can't wait til he falls asleep in his high chair or in the middle of lunch.

Anyway, just thought I'd post this before I forgot.  Happy 9 Months sweet little Ryker!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

***I'm dreaming of a Crafty Christmas***

Oh my gosh I am so excited about this Christmas. Last year was really hard because I was pregnant and working and I just felt like the season passed by me too quickly to even enjoy it! I went Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve (BAD idea) and I didn't get anything I wanted. SO...this year I made sure to get started earlier! And now I wish I had started even earlier! Now I know for next year!

I have THE greatest time staying home! I LOVE it! For lots of reasons, mainly because I get to be with Ryker. But the others are great too, like getting to be crafty with things around the house. I recently found a couple of blogs that I LOOOOVVVVE!!!! You should go check them out.

I have a whole list but you can get to most of the other ones by these ones. They are seriously FABULOUS if you love to be crafty with a lower budget!

One of my friends from church invited me to be part of her craft group. It is SERIOUSLY so fun. I would do it weekly if I could. We got together and made some super cute Turkeys for the Thanksgiving time. I already packed it away and didn't take a picture of it, but it turned out really cute. We each just brought some scrapbook paper, paint, modpodge and wood. We each brought different things to share and just used what we had. It was a great time to make new friends and get to know friends better! We had dinner together and just enjoyed out time being crafty! And the turkey was small enough I could just add it to my holiday decor with ease.

Thanksgiving was fun. We stayed home, and everyone came to us. We had 18 around the table and well, a full house! Connie was of course the busiest with EVERYTHING she was making....I helped make the rolls! haha..and of course eating. We had the traditional dinner and it was great. Next year though Trev and I agree that we would like to try some new recipes. So if you have a fabulous recipe you want to share (I KNOW! I can't believe I am even asking) feel free to email me or post it.  It would just be fun to spice up the traditional dinner and try new things! Later that night we all went to a movie. We were surprised to see how full the theater was, and we couldn't find 18 seats to sit together...except the front row!  We went to see the adorable movie Tangled. It was SOOO cute! I love clean movies that you don't have to worry about profanity or nudity! It was just a great day! We brought Ryker and yeah we had to work with him a little in the theater but he had fun with our straws in our drinks. He thought those were pretty funny. 

I went out Friday to do some shopping....I don't even know why I tried. It was pointless. I got to a store I finally decided on and went in to get a present and they didn't even have it in the store. The lady was like, "Ohhh hunny we didn't even get those in our shipment. But you could go online and order it!" Well DUH! I know. If I wanted to wait for 3 weeks to get it I would've done that in the first place. Anyway, needless to say, I went to the store to order it anyway online! Then I battled WalMart and then I just gave up. It just wasn't worth it! I went home and we put up our Christmas tree and decorations. I have NEVER put our tree up so early but I think it was perfect. I could hardly wait to decorate and get our stuff up! We got some new ornaments and I got a SUPER cute NOEL letters from my sis-in-law.
My cute letters from Crystal. And yep, we're watching Baby Einstein.

Our little tree...we have to get a new one...this one broke!

Our nativity, and the sign Trevor bought me from The Forgotten Carols.

Last night we went to The Forgotten Carols by Michael McLean. It was so good. I have only been one other time and that was when I was 16 or 17. And I really didn't even remember what it was about. (Go figure!) It was so fun! I definately want that to be a new tradition for us!  My mom came over and watched Ryker. I know they both had fun together! 

Ryker figured out the Sippy cup...and he loves it!

 Well I have added a few more pictures of Ryker. We took him out on one of the days it was snowing like crazy. Trev was holding him and scraping off the windows and he thought it was SOOO funny! Ryker love the snow and hopefully soon we'll be able to take him sledding!

Ryker thought it was so funny that Trev was clearing off the cars.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Facebook withdrawals? NOT HARDLY!!

Hey ya'll. I know I told you I'd be better at blogging due to the absence of my facebook account. But I guess I have just BASKING in the time I have been given back. Honestly, I haven't even cared to check my emails! It has been so fun spending REAL time with Ryker and Trevor w/o having the thought "I wonder what everyone is doing!" I do care what my friends are doing and that why I have read your blogs or stopped by to visit or called, which has made a difference in my relationships with ya'll. I do love the real time convo much more. Although, there are some of you who do read my blog that I have NO clue what your blog is, so I don't get to read do me a favor and maybe become a follower so I can just click on your pretty picture instead of having to put my underdeveloped memory skills to work!

So what has the Atkinson household been doing?! Well...a lot! October was a very busy month...and I still feel like it is September. I feel like when I look outside I should see blue skies and butterflies, but to my surprise I see frosted grass and gray skies that chills me just thinking about it.  However, I do love this time of year, and I was grateful that the snow fell NO EARLIER than beautiful November! 

October, like I said was busy and FUN!! I don't even remember the first half because it flew by...I am sure we were in Utah for half of it!  I guess the milestone was my big brothers birthday! October 15th! Last year on his birthday we found out we were having a baby boy! And this year our family found out he was having a baby boy! YES! My little Ryker is going to have a baby boy cousin his age!!! WAHOOO!!! I am so excited! And I adore my big brother and his wife. They are going to be fabulous parents! And they hid it from us for 5 1/2 months! FOR REAL!? Now I know who to trust with my secrets! haha.

Then the next weekend we were in Utah for Witches Night Out.  What a riot! I went with my Sis-in-laws and mother in law. And we had so much fun! Basically everyone dresses up like a witch and goes and parties at Gardner Village in SLC! I love Gardner Village as it is, but to see women who love it as much as me was so fun! We had dinner which was AMAZING! We window shopped which was all I could really afford! haha. We danced to the music, joined the Witches parade and just enjoyed laughing at ourselves! It was a great ladies night out and to top it off my BFF and lil sis came and met me there! So fun! They even played an old spice girls song and that brought back some memories! Jiggin with my BFF is always a blast and I just wish we could do it more!

Then came Halloween! Trev and I spent the whole week glued to the tube! haha. we have never seen the Halloween series, so we recorded the ones off TV and then watched like 2 a night! It was fun to see the process of hollywood! And Jamie Lee Curtis!! haha. Next year we are going to start a little earlier and watch another series. Scarey movies are hilarious to me! Maybe next year we will  get to go to a scarey haunted house. We didn't get to go this year due to a miserable cold that I retracted playing in the rain one cold evening! And we even had free tickets!!! LAME!  Who wants to go next year?! We had a hard time even finding people to go with us!

Ryker was a dragon for Halloween. I think we had more fun trick or treating (in behalf of Ryker of course) than he did. He did get to have some suckers and HE LOVES them? I felt bad taking them away. But we did the Trunk or Treat and then visited our fam. We also stopped by some cool decorated houses which is always fun to see people festive! Someday I hope to be like that!

Then November came. We got new carpet in the basement where we are living. It is amazing how carpet came make such a huge difference! It feels like our own apartment now!! Thanks Connie!!!! It is really nice...anyone want to come visit?! We also got our family pictures taken...FINALLY! Now that the basement is done I have a big empty wall that has been waiting for family pictures. Thanks Ashley! She was so fun to work with and I am excited to see how they turn out! (Ashley MacKay Photography)

Our New Basement. You can kinda see what it looks like but the carpet is fabulous!
I also went to a Holiday Boutique in Utah after pics. Also a fun time! I didn't sell as much as I hoped but thats alright. It was a nice ladies night out yet again!  I also started donating plasma this month. That is fun! It is actually interesting to be on the other side...some of you may not know that I used to be a phlebotomist for a plasma center. So to be a donor in the bed experiencing what others had is fun...but it is also nice to know what is going on with the machines and what all the numbers mean! It also gives me some extra $$$ to get the stuff we need without making a dent in the bank account! Like fabrics I want or patterns I want to try.

This picture doesn't do it justice...but then again...don't look to close! haha. I am still a beginner!

Speaking of patterns and sewing...I just made a super cute and fuctional diaper bag! I was so excited to make it and the more I started working on it the more I love it! It originally is a pattern for a tote bag, but I just added some of my own things I always though would be nice in a diaper bag and now it is one I call my own! We have the bottle/sippy cup holders on the side, inside we have  pocket for diapers & wipes, and another pocket for clothes. If I could've thought earlier how to put in a divider for toys, and another for snacks and formula I would've done it...that will just have to be for another diaper bag down the road.  I also didn't like how the bag looked so gigantic so I added a few snaps to make it smaller, but it can be unsnapped for when we travel and I have to pack alot more things. In attaching the snaps I made a booboo and put a snap on I used some mental notes and attached a stretchy keyrings. I now have a special place to put my keys so I do not have to dig through the dang bag to find it...and it stretches so I can leave it on when I get to the door, or it can be detached so I can just pull it off when I need to drive! And it is super cute fabric and its not a hand-me-down bag. A diaper bag to call my own. I just have one more thing I need to make and it will be complete!  A mommy purse, for my personal items. One that I can pull out and have when I leave Ryk with a sitter...or when I am going out on my own. Fabulous! I am so excited to make it!

I just recently also had my 25th birthday! Quarter of a century!!! I thought I would feel a lot older at 25 but nope, just more benefits like being able to rent a car w/o $25 extra a day! It'll be great when Trev is 25 cause our insurance will go down! PHEW!!! Well about my family has just never been big on celebrations or I also have inherited that trait. I figure, if I need it, I'll go get it. I don't need anyone to go get it for me when I am capable. I also am a want it or need it person and if I want it I most of the time do not get it.  Trevor on the other hand is complete opposite. Sometimes it is a bad thing when he has to tell a difference between want and need, but sometimes its a good thing! He is so awesome and really went out of his way to make sure I had an awesome birthday! I got a cute beanie, two new cds, a sweater, a guitar book from one of my favorite artists, Colbie Calliat, a new perfume from Mary Kay, two tickets to "The Forgotten Carols", some car candles from Scentsy, and some AWESOME hair product that helps hold in the backcomb! My parents also gave me a sewing table and of course some cute cards from my neices Mackennah and Amarrah. Trevors family LOVES giving gifts and celebrations so it was fun to celebrate my "special" day with them. 
My family got together for some treats and it was just fun to have us all be together. My parents took me to ice cream and that is always a treat to spend time with them.  Later that evening Trevor took me to see MegaMind and then to dinner at Johnny Carinos! All in all, Trevor went out of his way to make me feel very special! 

Once again, sorry it has taken me so long to post something up here. I know this is a long post because I haven't been good about blogging. But to make it a little longer, let me tell you about Ryker!

Rykers attempt at crawling...pretty much just push ups.

Gross I know...but I tried everything to get him to not eat the shopping I just gave up and took a picture instead! Thankfully I did use the complimentary wipes before!

He thinks its funny when I say "Dada" this face is also known as the Stinker Face.

Go Colts. We tried to find a Saints onesie but couldn't. So until we do we will just have some Hoosier pride!
He is getting so big! It is so fun, but it is sad at the same time because he doesn't like to snuggle with me like he used to! He just wiggles his way out of my snuggles and well, just wants to explore the world! I don't blame him, there is a lot to learn.  He isn't crawling yet but he can sure get around. He rolls, and does a one armed/elbowed army crawl. He LOVES to eat snacks and he is just learning so much. He started waving and we are working on clapping. He thinks those are pretty funny. He has this little sesame street remote and he LOVES it! He also enjoys eating my phone and cords and anything else he can get in his mouth! He loves books and flipping the big pages...he isn't a fan of me reading them yet...but hopefully soon we can start that! He jabbers like favorite words are when he just says "Mamamamamama" I know he doesn't connect them to me, but I still love it! He thinks "Dada" is a funny word and always giggles when I say it.  He also loves his Daddy. He and Trevor are really starting to have fun together. Trevor can toss him around and make him do flips (which makes my stomach do flips) but Ryker loves the attention he gets from Trev. Those two are great buds and I know Trevor is dying to take him out on a Father/Son camping/fishing trip!

Needless to say, I have a wonderful life! It isn't always me sitting in my P.J.'s writing on my blog at 1:30pm when I should be showered and ready, or waking up every other hour to calm Ryker in the night...but it is SOO much fun! I really enjoy being able to stay home and take care of my little boy! I love being able to make things and I am just really grateful to have all of the MANY marvelous blessings we have! We may not have a lot of money but I have a lot of love and that is all I need to keep me happy!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hows this for EASY!?!

So I have been pondering over a new entry trying to think of what I should write. Nothing is really coming to mind so I decided I would share a few of my SUPER EASY recipes! Hows that? Well as you know me, I don't like cooking and I almost HATE recipes even more! It just isn't my thing. But when I have to cook I just make up whatever I want. Most of the time using Campbell's soup! MMMMM Good for sure!

So here are a couple simple (Un-named)recipes for the recipe followers.

Rice Stuff:
Ingredients needed
One can of Campbells Cream of Chicken Soup
8oz milk
2 Garlic cloves
2 Chicken Breasts
Cheddar Cheese
1 1/2 Cups Rice
What you do:
Preheat oven to 425*
Cube the chicken and toss into saucepan. Add the garlic and cook until chicken is a light brown and a little crispy. (I also like to add S&P just because a recipe doesn't feel complete w/o it). While this is cooking get your rice going. (Follow directions for rice making because I don't know it off the top of my head). When the chicken is done add the milk and soup mix to create a creamy sauce. When the rice is done, put it in a glass pan making a layer of rice. Pour the soup mixture over the rice and top with cheese. Bake until the cheese is toasted.
This normally serves about 4.

Bean and Bacon
This was one of my favorite soups by Campbells growing up (Thanks to the Egberts). But the other day I tried it and it was kinda bland so I decided to spice it up.
12oz water
1 can Bean and Bacon soup
2 chicken boullion cubes
3 medium potatoes
9 strips of bacon
What you do:
Cut the bacon into small cubes and start to fry. While this is going peel, and cube your potatoes. When the bacon is half way cooked add your potatoes. I cover these two so that my potatoes cook faster and so the grease doesn't splash all over. When these are cooking start your bean and bacon soup. Instead of adding just one can of water add an extra 1/2 can of water. When the soup gets warm toss in your two boullion cubes and stir. When the bacon and potatoes are the way you like them add them to your soup. This makes a GREAT fall soup at hardly a cost. Serves 3.

This next one isn't that easy but it is good!!!

Yummy chicken salad:
I used a salad dressing recipe from Trevor's aunt. Here is the dressing recipe:
1 C veg oil
3/4 C sugar
1/2 C red wine vinegar (I used a Rasberry Balsamic Vinegar we had in the fridge)
2 cloves minced garlic
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper (recipe calls for white pepper but I used black)

Make this dressing to use for the recipe below.

Cube your 2 chicken breasts and start to cook in frying pan. Toss in half of the dressing from above to sautee' your chicken in. Add two handfuls of cashews and cook til tender. Use this as a salad topper.
Other things to add into your salad:
Soy Beans
Parmesan cheese

Well the day has come that I'm sharing recipes. I hope you enjoy these simple meals from Yours Truly!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I love staying at home!!

Yep...longer than a month! What have I been doing?! WEEEELLLL....I am enjoying being a mom! I can't believe August is over, BTW! Suprisingly, I am not that sad! I love the warm summer months and all, but I am looking forward to the seasons! I am getting ready to decorate our basement space for Autumn! This week we are painting the walls, and then LET THE FUN BEGIN! I have never really been into decorating, mostly because I worked full time and it just wasn't worth it! I still have my wedding flowers as a decoration! haha...I know! So this year I am going to be season friendly!
I am also looking forward to Halloween, dressing up Ryker in a CUTE costume and going door to door to collect candy he can't eat! haha. I seriously am excited! Also, we got a cute little sled that I can pull. You betcha, I am going to bundle the little man to look like the little boy off of A Christmas Story! And I am going to pull him around the neighborhood as my effort to workout in the winter!!! Atleast thats what I say I am going to do!
Goodness, August was a busy month! We went to Utah for a Jack Johnson concert! SOOO fun! Except somehow Trevor and I always end up around the annoying girls who feel that they need to be center of attention! I know...high school paybacks! I can't even get mad at them because BEEN THERE DONE THAT!! The only annoying thing is that they are MY AGE! Really, I can accept high school craziness, but when you are jumping around and invading blanket are on my hit list! ha.
We also had an AWESOME family camping trip to Bear Lake! Ryker didn't like the lake water waves so much. It was a little too windy for my taste, but needless to say, SOOOOO FUUUUN!! We had the famous Rasberry Shakes and ate delicious food. An awesome last HOOORAH to summer!
So when we were in Utah we stopped at Gardner Village! I LOVE THAT PLACE! It like inspired me! I walked into all the shops and not that I close my mouth anyway when I am in my own world, but literally had my jaw dropped through most stores! I was like...OOOHH, I CAN TOTALLY MAKE THIS! Hence the inspiration to decorate. And my new project. Are you ready for this?! I am starting a little home business! I know! So great! What you ask?! Let me tell you!
So, I have gone to many craft fairs and markets in hopes that I find some cute boy things! What do I find?! BOWS, HEADBANDS, TUTUS and every cute girl thing I could ever think up! I was almost tempted, EMPHASIZE ALMOST, to be like "Alright Trev. I need a girl!" But then I came to my senses and said, "I will just make cute boy things!" Which was a FABULOUS idea! I have started to make little ties. Can you say CUTE!? I know. I love having a little boy. I am constantly turning the wheels in my little head. I am going to do a lot of stuff...which I'll show you once I get there!
How it started? Well, I started by buying an $18 tie for Ryker. I KNOW! Ridiculous! but when that is all there is at craft fairs?! Anyway, I looked at this tie Trevor desperately wanted and I tried to convince him that I could make my own! His argument was valid from past experiences in that I have STARTED a billion projects! And no need to continue on with that sentence. But I took that as a challenge. I found myself a $50 sewing machine, bought some fabric and a pattern and went to work! Dang right! Six ties later, I found myself LOVING it!!! I showed them to family and they convinced me to sell! So I went to my first craft fair (which was poorly advertised and overpriced) but to check out what I was up against! In a craft fair of 10 vendors...I was THE ONLY one selling boy accessories! Yes, I counted. Atleast six of the vendors were bows, flowers, headbands and jewelry! I didn't sell my ties, but I had a handful of people who gave me their info who are interested in buying my ties! I even have a photographer who wants my ties to photograph the little guys she takes pictures of. EXPOSURE! I traded some tie work. And a lady brought me a bag of fabric to make ties for her toddler! I am having so much fun! And the ladies at the craft fair have become instant buds! I have never been a girl fan, but wow! I had SOO much fun sitting with these ladies!
All in all, I LOVE being a stay at home mom! I love seeing Rykers smiling face all day! I love his giggles and now, I LOVE dressing him up in things I've made! Who could ask for a better life?! Really?!
I know that living in a basement isn't ideal, but if I get to do what I LOVE?! I cannot complain! Well I am going to upload the picture I took of Ryker! This was at my table to advertise and show off my crafty work! I hope you enjoy!
And if you know anyone that needs boy accessories, I am the girl! I have lots and lots of Ideas!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Make new friends...but keep the old!

This summer has been so fun! It is my first summer "off" where I don't have to deal with any boss! Well...other than my dear husband who leaves "honey to-do lists!" haha...he really doesn't write them down, he just tells me what things need to be done. I swear I married a male version of Megan!
That is a whole blog in itself! Anyway...back to my original idea! I love this summer because I have been able to see some of my dearest friends from growing up! I went on a walk with my friend Kristin and her sweet baby Hailey! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures! We walked the river and just caught up our lives! She was the one who taught me how to do a backhandspring on her trampoline! We practiced gymnastics and just ran around! We were on the gymnastics team together in Jr. High! Seems like yesterday!

I also get to go on walks with my friend Aubrey and her cute little boy, Sawyer! They are ten days apart and needless to say, has been SOOO reassuring to have someone going through almost identical problems! We can worry and vent and laugh together! We went to high school together and now we are mommy's together!
Then of course Megan! I have gotten to see her a few times this summer! Its been so awesome! It is so fun to have someone who can sit and talk for HOURS and HOURS about nonsense! We were even going to bust out the old dance groove and join in on the National Dance Day! But then unanimously...we voted we were too tired...and stayed up talking for another hour or so! This is the girl who can make any ordinary five second situation and turn it into an hour long story! Which reminds me of our notes we'd pass in school! She'd always be so upset at me because I couldn't think of ANYTHING to write!!! And somehow in her hour of class...she could manage to explain every person and their thoughts, plus the teacher and manage to squeeze in her recent crush! I still have notes that make me laugh so hard! She is nothing of a few words! And I love it! She is the reason our conversations can last hours!!! Love you Megs!

As always...I got to see Whitney on the 4th! She is crazy! "I-caught-a-moth boutique!" haha...This girl helped me through some of my darkest days! She and I waited for our missionaries together and waited for our mail together! We basked in the tapes and pictures and if it wasn't for her...I'd probably wouldn't have watched One Tree Hill or Newlyweds! ;) Someday soon we are going to do Zumba together!

Yesterday, I went and met up with Angela! There are just not enough nice things to say about this girl! She radiates charity and Christlike love like no other person I have met! We really haven't had a sit down conversation in years! She came to visit her family and let me know when she was going to be in town! I got to see her wonderful family and we sat and talked at Freeman park! I just love her family! They are so close and just are there for each other through everything! It reminded me of the elementary days when Leisa (her mom) taught us how to pull taffy! And Angelas nailpolish collection! I remember Angela got a nail painting book and practically everyday we'd try a new design. And little Jonathan would come in and want his nails painted. (I did remind him of that and he said he has LONG since grown out of that stage!) haha. I remember one time we had a sleepover...and anyone who has had a sleepover with me knows I'm ALL about the sleeping part! I fell asleep, as usual, obviously too early for Megan and Angela's they poured COLD water all over me and my MICKEY MOUSE blanket!?! I'm not sure if I can ever forgive the cruelty to my blanket! Poor mickey...didn't know it was coming!!! haha. I have so many memories of this sweet girl, Angela! She now has her ADORABLE little princess, Lucy! Lucy has THE CUTEST little dimple and her smile will make your heart melt!

It has been such a great summer to meet my friends of old! I have been so blessed through my life to have some of the greatest friends! I know these girls helped mold me into what I am to become! Although we don't get to talk everyday or see each other often...these girls will always be True Friends! I just love that we can pick up where we left off and continue to build our friendship! I love your girls! I thank my Heavenly Father for allowing me to have you in my life!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rained OUT!

We just got home from our Softball game. We always have such an awesome turnout and we never we always win no matter what the score may be! Trev had to go back to work and Ryker fell I find myself...for a brief moment, alone! It is lonely!!! haha. But nice!
Its wierd how rain can put me in a "I want to be in sweats and drink hot chocolate" mood...even in the middle of summer! So I put on my long john g's...sweat pants...and a comfy T...sitting in the dark, enjoying the sound of the raindrops in the grass puddles.
Talk about relaxing!! Now all I need is some Hot Cocoa...but we are out! :(

Well, I thought I'd do a post...I wanted to show you my crafts! By the way..being a stay-at-home-mommy ROCKS my world! I LOVE IT!!! Recently, I made some cute little canvas boards for my neices rooms...and a picture board...and...ReAdY for this??? A DUVET COVER!!! Thats right folks...I borrowed a sewing machine and did a little patchwork! I had to unstitch the same piece NO JOKING atleast five times! I don't know what my problem was! I checked and checked but each time I finished that piece, I would look at it and it was backwards again! HOW?!? And then for some reason, I only thought of a better way to do something when I wast close to be done or couldn't turn back! I really need to learn how to think things out a little better! Note to self...when sewing a blanket...don't do the outside parts first and then try do the middle! It doesn't work well! Thank goodness Jayda will love me either way!
I didn't get a picture of the duvet I will post that later! Needless to say...I'm pretty proud that I started and finished a project in 48 hours!

this is a sign I made for Amarrah and Thalia's room

this is Jayda's sign

and this is the picture board

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Little Outdated...

Really? Its been 6 months? Well...I am just as outdated in my journal! Awful...I know! And I really should be studying my lesson I am going to teach today...but I just don't want to. So lets play catch up...
As you all know...I'm not pregnant anymore! WeHadaBabyItsaBoy...and he is 4 1/2 months young. He gets cuter every day! I just love the little monster! Everyday he gets funnier and I love watching him figure out life!
The first two months of his life, I thought...why would anyone want kids?! This is awful! We had to stay in the NICU for the first 8 days, and wait for my turn to be a mommy. I had to battle handful of nurses who, for the most part, were very kind...but still...I wouldn't wish the NICU upon any new parents! It is hard going home without a baby and with a hollow tummy! I remember going to church the Sunday after he was born, and that was the first time I felt "Hollow." I didn't have my little attachment. No more tummy kicks or elbow rolls to my was just me. I remember the speakers were so inspiring and I really felt the love of my Father in Heaven.
I remember going "home" (which was a hotel 2 miles away from the hospital) and praying harder than ever to make Ryker whole and healthy! I pleaded that I would have the strength to trust the doctors and allow them to work on him. It seemed everyday there was a new needle in time we came in to see an IV in his head! Talk about heartbreaking! There was more than once when I felt an overwhelming amount of love from a completely understanding Father who knew how it felt to leave a son alone. I know that the Atonement helped me get through my labor, delivery, and through everyday since Ryker's birh! I am so thankful for my Savior!
We left the hospital on the 11th and claimed a new temporary residence at the Candlewood Suites. Connie's house was under construction and with our little man on oxygen we couldn't take him in all the construction dust! It was nice to have our own little place for a while and kinda recover from all that happened. I was so blessed in that Trevor got to take off two weeks of Paternity leave! Seriously so amazing! His manager, Jeff is one of the greatest managers!
When we left Candlewood Ryker was ready to breathe on his own! Taking him off the oxygen was SOO scary. I was so paranoid...but Trevor and I joked that we had been upgraded to a bluetooth wires attached!
Since then its just gone by fast! Ryker came to term with life and has started to smile and now laugh. He and I go for runs in the morning when its not too windy. He is my little man and I love him more than I ever thought possible! It is fun watching Trevor be a daddy! He is so great and has definately learned a lot of patience...which we are both still trying to achieve!
He has so many cousins and aunts and uncles and of course grandparents that love him. He is definately spoiled!
As for our little family, we are great! We are still living with Connie, which has been a huge blessing. I can stay home with Ryker! Trevor got a great promotion which landed him some insurance!
We recently became a one car family. And I discovered these great things call legs! They carry me where I need to go! Which has been fun! We are probably going to sell Trevor's little honda and upgrade to a bigger family car.

Thats basically our life in a nutshell. I have so much more to say, but this post is gigantic and I don't know if any of you will even get to finish it! haha. Anyway, I am going to try and blog more and show off my cute crafts! haha...hopefully Ryker will take longer naps so I can!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lunch Lady Land and Pull my hair out while you're at it!

So, I recently got on here and started typing a blog, and guess what happened?! No the internet didn't fail, no my computer didn't shut off randomly, and no there was no interruption.
I started typing a paragraph and all the sudden, my maternity mood swings swung, and I didn't want to do it anymore. So I deleted it! Maybe today I'll post something without deleting it or changing my mind.
Some of you know that I got a new job! Yes, Awesome! I was going nuts just staying at home, waiting for our piece of Heaven. I applied for a PE teacher position and had a great interview that I prayed I wouldn't get! ha. I know, yet again, my indecisiveness. Yes, I prayed I wouldn't get the job even though it is my dream job. WHY? I don't know, mostly because I really know I should be staying home. And it really ripped my heart out to think I wouldn't be w/him for more than half the day.
Anyway, the school called me and asked me to be a substitute, which I think I could totally do. Then a day later the principal called and told me that they had a position was only a couple of hours a day and they thought of me. I was stoked and asked what the position was for..."Well, we are looking for someone to help in the lunchroom" So there ya have it, I said yes and I am the new LUNCH LADY!!! No hairnets attached, just going to be taking attendance!
So I was doing my thing on Tuesday and the VP came up and asked if I could stay and sub. I'm thinking sure, two hours more, no prob!
THIRD GRADE and TWO HOURS LATER I was passed out on the couch. GEEZE who knew that our teachers could work so hard! I had three kids I swear that put new gray to my "natural" highlights! One kids told me how much he hated everyone and how no one likes him. and How he is bound and determined to get in trouble. Another kid somehow kept "falling" out of his chair and the other was the worst case ADHD i've ever seen! He had a chair but was at every other table than his own teasing and taunting kids. I thought to myself, I'm so grateful I am just a sub!!! And that today is over. LOW AND BEHOLD the VP walks in and asks me to come back!
I gladly accepted the challenge. Dang right I'll be back. I'll be back to show them whats up!!! haha. Or to only be tortured again.
Unfortunately the teacher only sent in her lesson plans the day of, so I had no clue what I was doing until I was doing it! A couple of times throughout the day I had to "remind" them to keep quiet. Yeah right! Thats like telling a rocket to please just whistle on the way up. I told them that I didn't want to hear voices louder than six inches...WHAT THE?! Who says that anymore.
I had this kid come up to me, dead serious, who mind you is as tall as me! Straight face and asks, "What if you hear like crayons coloring or like pencils writing?! Or what if I like have to get something out of my binder and you hear that?!" I tell you I must have scared that little boy so bad that he thought I shouldn't hear a dang thing! I tried not to laugh and just told him that those noises were good noises. ha! Needless to say I was exhausted again my day 2. VP walks in again and said...Teacher is still sick. Can you come back tomorrow? I convinced myself to say yes and day 3 came! YOWZERS!
Today was better except that I didn't get to teach all the things I was supposed to. Hopefully the teacher can figure out where I left off! I did have to call her a couple of times today and she told me that this was her hardest class she has ever had! The principal reaffirmed her statement when he told me that I had a challenging class. It seemed as though the teachers outside of our classroom pittied me because everytime they saw me, they gave me an encouraging smile. One teacher told me today, "Man, I'm glad I'm not you!" ahhh, the love!
I really did enjoy it. But I'm pretty sure I enjoyed the nap after more!!
And I definately appreciate my past teachers a whole lot more!!! It still amazes me that teachers are some of the most underpaid people! Seriously, I think they need a raise and the next time you see a teacher, give them a hug and thank them for their amazing patience!! I know I'll never look at a teacher the same!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Starting New!?

Hello. Yes, I guess it is official. I am becoming a stay-at-home mom and I am joining the crowd to do the "In" thing! Honestly, I'm not sure how awesome I'm going to be at doing this blog thing but I will sure try and keep everyone updated on my family.
I guess we'll start with a simple update. As most of you know, Trevor and I moved into Connie's (Trev's Mom) house. We decided that this would be our only real option. Due to the wonderful economy and high demand for jobs, we are here. I really wanted to stay at home and experience the new mommy job coming my way. We are super excited for our little baby boy to be born.
As for how I am doing...I really can't complain! I have been blessed beyond measure to be able to have an awesome pregnancy and a very caring husband! I am trying to be more positive with our current situations, but I know that it can always get worse, so I am just going to be happy with what I have! The pregnancy has been pretty fun. It is fun to experience all the little movements and feel him wiggle around. I know already he loves his daddy! Whenever Trevor is around and he hears Trevors voice, he moves quite a bit! And Trevor loves this little boy like crazy! We went out and bought some clothes for him already and every once and awhile I would catch pulling out his outfits and just picking them up like our baby is already in them.
Trevor is so fun to watch and I know he is going to be an incredible dad!
Well, I am getting exhausted from thinking of what to write and I think I am going to go have my self a nap! Thanks for looking at my blog and being a part of my life!