Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Final Words

38 Weeks
It is SO weird that this is my last week as a mom of one!  I keep thinking that Brinly will never come and I'll be pregnant forever.  But the last week it has become more and more real to me.  I am scheduled to be induced on Monday at 7:30 am.  Which I am really excited about...but on the other, I really rather that she decide to come before that on her own!

Last Wednesday I went to my Dr's appointment and I was already at a 3 almost a 4.  The dr obviously didn't want to predict when she'd arrive as babies run on their own time line...but she was glad that I had already dilated that far so it wasn't a concern to be induced!  I was just relieved to know that something was happening cause when I had Ryker, I was barely at a 2 when I went into labor and would've sent me home.

I am nervous to think I am going to have another baby I am responsible for.  I am so excited to meet her though and to have her in our family!  I am excited to see Trevor hold her and Ryker kiss her.  I know there are going to be many things that outweigh my nervousness, but I just hate the waiting part.

As for my stats, everything was looking good last week.  I go in tomorrow for my final appointment!!  SO weird!  I've gained 25 lbs, which I am excited about...since I gained 36 with Ryker! Blood pressure was great, and Brinly's heart rate was good as well!

Doesn't she look FABULOUS!? Love you Megs.
Thanks for making me feel like an
Oompa Loompa! :) Haha.
As for the final weeks?  I had a baby shower here at my sister's house, which I think I mentioned? Maybe?  Then I had another baby shower in Utah on March 31 at my sister in laws house.  I am thankful for all their hard work that they put into the showers.  I got some great gifts and despite the number of people that came, which was about an average of 2 people, I really appreciate the support that was shown to us.  Megan came from Orem and it is as always SO fun to have her around!  We actually got a picture this time!

Our new changing table!!

Trevor finished his semester on the 6th so we've had him home to play and help when I need it! Its been great.  He had to study for the GRE which he took today but we are glad to now have him the rest of the week before school starts up again.  He has helped me finish my BIG project that has taken me forever! I am in LOVE with it!  I also made some curtains for little's room and have done all that I can think to do that needs to be done.  I am almost done with the crib skirt but will probably finish that once I can work on the floor with out any pain.

Blinds and changing table
I still have decorations to put up and others to paint or finish painting, but with this week, everything is kinda on hold.  I'd like to eventually make Ryker a new bedding set that matched the room and spray paint his bed to match as well...but all things take time and a lot of those things can wait til later...I hope.

As for our Easter it was great! I have lots of pics I need to upload but I have overdone it today so I need to go lay down and start timing these annoying contractions!  Just need to get through one more day of move outs and I'll feel better!


MeganandClaudy said...

you're my favorite oompa loompa! ;)

Melissa said...

Love the blue! That changing table is Awesome, and so cute! And you are tiny, looking good lady!

The Burk Family said...

You are so cute Alicia, and the room looks so cute! I wish I could be closer so have someone coach me through all these sewing projects! I would be so lost! I am so excited for you, I hope everything goes perfect! Love you girl!