Thursday, February 2, 2012

What I've been doin....

February!!! Yay!! That means that Spring is only 4 or 5 months! For seriously though, I am loving the weather we've been having!  Whose with me?  If this is the new Idaho...I might just want to stick around!  Probably not, but I am glad its been mild.  I love being able to open my blinds and feel the warmth of the Sun shine through, regardless if its below freezing outside or not!

Well this new year has been good so far! We've had the cold bug splash through and stick around, also had a death in the family and to top it off...Trevor is overwhelmed like crazy at school! What does that mean?!  That we are surviving regardless of our surroundings and well, we are giving ourselves a nice pat on the back!

Lets begin shall we?  Almost 3 weeks ago we headed to Idaho Falls to eat some birthday cake with Gramps (Trevor's grandpa) and watch him blow out 88 candles.  Unfortunately, Gramps had a nasty fall and due to his failing health, was unable to attend his own party.  He was there...his kidney and liver just didn't process the 3 Hydrocodine that he we celebrated his 88 years of a wonderful life with him snoozing in his recliner.  Throughout the next week his health began to decline rapidly and he was put on hospice.  Trevor and I headed down that Friday and spent the evening with family, reminiscing of what a wonderful life Gramps lived and all the memories we had shared.   He laid in the living room as we gathered around him and waited for him to slip away.  Saturday around noon we headed back down to spend time with Grandpa.  Shortly after we arrived and the house was quiet, Grandpa slipped away to reunite with his sweetheart.

I could definitely feel a peace and quiet contentment enter the room.  It seemed almost like the quiet feeling you get when you enter the Celestial room in the temple.  Although its always hard to say goodbye, we knew he lived a good solid life and that we'll get to see him again.  We celebrated his passing by going to Burger King for lunch.  He loved Burger King!

A week later we found ourselves in Utah gathered with loved ones.  I was asked to sing at the funeral along with Trevor's cousin.  We sang Abide With Me, one of my favorites hymns.  It brought me back to my mission, where we sang most of the day in our car, to our investigators and friends, and at baptisms.  It was a beautiful arrangement.  It came my turn to sing my solo and somehow I had confused my pages and well, luckily I had a good vocal partner who jumped right in to help me out.  I still wish I could redo it, but I guess that will be something I always check from now on BEFORE the song starts!

It was a beautiful day and a beautiful last memory of Grandpa.  In honor of him, Trevor and his brother and brother in laws went to a Jazz game.  It sounds bad, but Trevor already had the tickets a couple weeks prior to Grandpa's passing, but we think that Gramps just had good timing.  He knew.  With Trevor and the boys gone, I headed down to Orem to see Megs and her little family.

Its always a favorite time of mine to get to just chat with Megan.  Although we talk more frequently than we see each other, just being moms together was a fun treat to experience.  While I was battling a wild terror toddler, she got to snuggle her sweet little handsome man and somehow we still managed to enjoy ourselves with food and good conversation.  I think we are both secretly hoping our guys end up at the same college for grad school so we can be closer and enjoy our days together while our men are at school.  Wouldn't that be a dream?!  Well, atleast my dream!  :)

We tarried back home to start a new week and a new month.  And here we are....February!  This month is a fun month because its VALENTINES!  Oh, and Trevor's birthday!  Well among the crazy last month, I still managed to find sometime in between naps and cleaning to do some sewing!  You want to see? Oh you signed off already because this post is UBER long?  Ok...well I will just post them for my memory so I know what I did to keep me sorta SANE during CRAZY January! 

Well you'll have to turn your wont let me flip it.  How adorable is this skirt?
I made it for my cute little neice but I don't have a pic of her modeling it.  But it turned out super cute!
A fun crayon roll for church...
Rolls up nice and small!
Don't look too close! Although made with love, it was also made with some frustrated grunts!

Another pair...gotta start her out right!  

This little man always makes a good day better!  He loves bubbles and
obviously was very excited that they worked for him!

My little monkey...he emptied one of his toy bins and crawled in it to eat some snacks.

And if you are still hanging around...check out this cute video of Little.  He recently became INFATUATED with Finding Nemo.  He loves it!  His favorite part is when they are initiating Nemo to "Tank Hood" and they start chanting, "Ha he wa he ha ho ho ho" or something of the sort...Ryker thinks we need to chant along.  Ok, just kidding, computer or blogger wont let me.  But Ryker chants along and it is the funniest thing!  And if I don't chant with him he YELLS..."Mom! Mom! Hahohaoaoho!"  I must watch him and the TV at the same time and chant along.  I love it!  And I love him!

As for pregnancy, everything is looking good! She is moving A TON!!! and well, as usual my hips and lower back scream at me all day long!  I love it!  :)  Well, I'm out, stinky pants is stinkin up my office.  Happy February!!


Heather said...

Sorry to hear about your grandpa. I adore the skirt you made! You are so talented!! I am so impressed by you! Ryker looks like he is growing up so fast!!

Justin and Kristin said...

Your sewing is awesome! Good job! Super cute! Ryker is so cute!
We'll have to get together this summer so the little ones can play again!