Thursday, January 7, 2010

Starting New!?

Hello. Yes, I guess it is official. I am becoming a stay-at-home mom and I am joining the crowd to do the "In" thing! Honestly, I'm not sure how awesome I'm going to be at doing this blog thing but I will sure try and keep everyone updated on my family.
I guess we'll start with a simple update. As most of you know, Trevor and I moved into Connie's (Trev's Mom) house. We decided that this would be our only real option. Due to the wonderful economy and high demand for jobs, we are here. I really wanted to stay at home and experience the new mommy job coming my way. We are super excited for our little baby boy to be born.
As for how I am doing...I really can't complain! I have been blessed beyond measure to be able to have an awesome pregnancy and a very caring husband! I am trying to be more positive with our current situations, but I know that it can always get worse, so I am just going to be happy with what I have! The pregnancy has been pretty fun. It is fun to experience all the little movements and feel him wiggle around. I know already he loves his daddy! Whenever Trevor is around and he hears Trevors voice, he moves quite a bit! And Trevor loves this little boy like crazy! We went out and bought some clothes for him already and every once and awhile I would catch pulling out his outfits and just picking them up like our baby is already in them.
Trevor is so fun to watch and I know he is going to be an incredible dad!
Well, I am getting exhausted from thinking of what to write and I think I am going to go have my self a nap! Thanks for looking at my blog and being a part of my life!


Tennessa B. said...

Love it! So glad you are doing the 'in' thing! :)

Jaimie said...

Hi Alicia! I just found your blog as I was entering Ashley Mackay's giveaway. :) I love blogs. Don't worry, you'll get better at having things to post. Especially once that little guy shows up--you'll have plenty of pictures I'm sure! Congratulations on your little boy. How exciting for you guys! When are you due? I love being pregnant too. And definitely, being a mom is the best. You'll love it! Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!
Glad to find your blog. :)
Jaimie (Higgs) Krupp

Whitney said...

Alicia I found you blog and just wanted to say hi. Sounds like life is good and I'm so excited for you to have a baby. So FUN!! Good luck with the remainder of the pregnancy.

Justin and Kristin said...

I am so excited you have a blog now!
That is sooo cute you are having a boy, I think somewhere between when you are due and when I am due, the trend changed! Everyone I knew was having boys and now the people I know finding out now are all having girls. It's so crazy how it works! It does sound like Trevor will be a VERY good Daddy, how fun! Congrats!

WhitneyNTyson said...

YAY- You are blogging... I just added you to my list of FR!3NDs! You are going to be such a cute mommy!