Well, its almost 5:50 in the AM. I'm awake.
I woke up half hour ago, thinking. Thinking about Evolution.
Weird? Yep!
Why? Well, I have had this controversial topic on my mind for the last few months. Especially with the new year. In church we are studying the Old Testament again. We are starting from the beginning of time, learning of where we came from. We, being, the human people.
We are reading in The Pearl of Great Price about Moses. Moses gives the recount of talking with God, who gives us knowledge that we are children of God. Haven't read it yet? Check it out! Its pretty cool!
Anyway, over the last couple of weeks, I have heard quite a bit of controversy regarding evolution. According to a lot of people, evolution isn't real. Evolution is a CRAZY scientific idea.
"We didn't come from monkeys!" People exclaim. "How can anyone believe that WE came from a micro-organism cell?!" "God created it all! He can do anything!"
These are a few things I have heard over the last couple weeks, and you know what? Its bothered me.
Let me back up a little bit and explain why.
Evolution:Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations (wikipedia...its never wrong!! haha)
Along with evolution, there is the idea of The Big Bang Theory.
What is it? Not the show guys, come on!
The idea that all of sudden, things just collided and happened.
BAM...there it is. Black and white! Right?!?
Its one or the other, right?
UGH. This is where I need to interject. This is why I am up before the sunrise.
This is what is on my mind.
We know from going to church, that God is amazing, to put in simple terms. He can probably do anything He wants to do. BUT He doesn't. He follows an order and laws. Sure, He created those orders and laws. But He still follows them. Just as we do as parents, we set guidelines, rules, order within our home. Not a parent? Well, you probably follow the laws of the land.
We are surrounded with laws and orders. We don't kill (well atleast most of us don't). We shouldn't steal. (Again, honorable citizens don't). We face the law of gravity daily...and seems gravity fights against us as we get older. We govern ourselves. Its a, wait for it, Godly trait.
We need order. We need laws!! It keeps things moving, and keeps us safe.
God, my Heavenly Father, is super smart. That's an understatement.
He is all knowing! He knows the End from the Beginning.
God, who created laws, order, science, get this...follows His laws!
Do I sound bias? Wait, keep reading!!
GOD, IS the beginning. You may be asking yourself here, What comes first, the chicken or the egg?
The answer is, God.
God comes first...Then creation/evolution.
Is it possible that evolution is real?
Evolution, as described above, happened!
It happens EVERYDAY!!
Lets start again.
Once upon a time, in the Earth's history, all things collided and BAM...the Earth was created...
Sure, Jesus Christ, under the direction of God, gathered the elements from the black matter, aka space. He formed the Earth. We learn from the Bible, that the dark was separated from the light. (Night and Day...BAM)
The waters were separated from the dry lands. BAM!
Vegetation formed...BAM!
Animals were created...BAM!
Humans happened....BAM.
I think this is where people get hung up. People, mostly Christians, believe that Jesus, in His infinite power, just placed these things. Day one, BAM, day two, BAM.
Nope. Thats not what happened.
He gathered the elements. That probably took some kind of knowledge, order and wisdom to do. He then USED His amazing scientific order to allow them to change...adapt, and be perfected.
Science can date that the Earth is billions of years old. The Earth has gone through periods of time. Being married to a Geologist, you learn some things.
We know from SCIENTIFIC research that once upon a time, the Earth was a ball of lava...
AND some believe all the continents were one.
And then they separated, the Earth froze over, and then melted and then changed, and then changed some more.
Somewhere in there, life was happening.
Science says that they can trace our genetics back to a single cell organism that was formed in water.
And then it evolved into water beasts...who then evolved into land and water beasts.
Cells adapted, cells changed. Fish began to learn how to fly.
Fish began to learn how to breath on land, and walk.
Things adapted to their circumstances.
Its not crazy...its called ORDER.
There is an order to ALL things.
Then we get to dinosaurs...dinosaurs are real! They really walked the Earth. They are not some alien form that came from other planets. We have proof they were here. We also have proof, backed by science, that everything was HUGE...spiders, snakes, birds, vegetation.
ALL of it was like, "Honey, I Blew up the Kid"
Thankfully they were because thats what The Earth needed to do for US to be HERE today!
We needed all of that forming so we could have oil!
And it had to happen long ago, because it needed time to evolve...to change!
So you are asking me, "Get to the part where we come from monkeys!?"
Guys, this is Alicia doctrine. This is not church doctrine. This is not "The Mormon's views on evolution"
This is ME, Alicia, trying to make sense in my mind of how things happened. I just like to try and understand such complex theories.
What if, and this is just a crazy what if...
we did come from monkeys.
I think you'd really have to understand science and past research to understand what I am getting at here. Google "Human Evolution, or Evolution of Man" to learn more. We have learned in class that the History of Humans started with animals becoming progressively smarter. They used tools, signifying that they were cognitive. They began thinking!!
And then slowly, we see that their forms/bodies began to change. Once they were tiny, and then with time, they changed. (I'm trying to keep this simple).
Head sizes changed, arm lengths changed. They became bipeds, walking on two feet.
And this was billions of years ago, btw.
We have skeletons showing the changes of the homo-family. (homo as in species)
The species changed as the traits changed. I am not using scientific terms here and am probably out of order in my thinking, but hopefully you understand what I am saying.
What I am saying is that "God HAD to follow an order!"
That's how HE works.
Does that de-bunk Adam and Eve.
Absolutely not.
BUT, just a crazy thought here, Adam and Eve were created/evolved into "The Human family" because of genetics. God saw His creation was complete in them, and gave them further light and knowledge. But, the Earth had to be ready for them. I imagine its like a baby. There is a process to have a baby. There HAS to be a male and female, sperm and egg, to create life! Then once they are together, they form a little person...who then LIVES in the mother who creates an environment for the baby to grow. The baby evolves, changes, grows...it goes from a little tad pole, to a human being!! It isn't just BAM...here is a baby in your arms.
Same thing with humans. We had to adapt, we had to grow. Circumstances HAD to be right for us to be here! And guess what else?! We have evolved from the time of Adam and Eve. We have different health problems, our minds think differently, we don't live hundreds of years old. We have EVOLVED.
Point in case, Trevor stands about 4-5 inches taller than his grandpa. Trevor's dad was taller than his dad...and Trevor is taller than his father was at Trevor's age. According to the past, Ryker is probably going to be a little taller than Trevor.
People were smaller a hundred years ago. Being tall was like 5'8"...now thats average for a male...maybe even on the shorter side.
I've evolved...I've adapted and I've changed.
BUT that DOES NOT change the fact that I still have loving Heavenly Father!
That doesn't change the simple truth that Jesus Christ is still my Savior.
Again, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ still follow the laws of a Supreme Being. But they also created them. They work line upon line, precept upon precept. If not, it'd be chaos.
So what am I getting at? Whats the punch line? Lets wrap it up...
He can do all things, and someone had to start the beginning of time! God created the Earth, with a process. So there is no Evolution VS Creationism.
It is both! Why can't those two things Co-Exist?
They do.
But because Satan like to do all he can to separate the human family, to fight amongst themselves, he has made it appear that is can ONLY be one or the other. It can't be both.
But again, it is both!
The Earth, the human species, and everything else for that matter, have evolved from the beginning of time. Everything has followed an order, a law and hopefully it will continue to do so as long as we don't continue to give the thought that its one or the other.
So when that thought crosses your mind, that evolution is bad...
think again eh? Its not.
Evolution is amazing!
It is proof that we have a loving, super smart, Heavenly Father!
He created the world...with order...for us to possess it.
We needed a place to learn, to grow, to adapt and to evolve because
one day, we hope to be like Him.
And we all know, thats going to take some serious evolution to get there!!
God is Great!