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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Warm Fuzzies!

Awhile ago we went to the airshow in Rexburg with some friends.  Little Tom and Ryker are pretty much identical twins.  They are 12 hours apart and were born in the same hospital.  We were neighboring rooms at the hospital and are positive we crossed paths a million and one times, but have just recently made friends with this couple.  Pretty cool huh!  

Both have an obsession with big trucks!


Airplanes doing some cool tricks

and some cute boys being just that...cute boys!

??? I don't know what he got on his hands but apparently was picture worthy.
Trevor was able to come home for the 4th of July which was fabulous!  He is like a kid in a candy store at the firework stand...honestly I probably should've gone with him. But all "for the sake of Ryker" he got some big trucks to blow up.  Ryker wasn't too thrilled with the screaching and popping...

Ryker was pretty excited and had no clue what to expect!

Waiting for his big truck...

Terrified that his big truck just kablooied!

Even more terrified!

All in all we had a good 4th!  We stayed in Rexburg for the parade and it was great to be able to just walk there and not have to worry about traffic.  We had a yummy bbq with family and my parents took Brinly so we could go to the fireworks.  It was a really low-key 4th.  Just what this momma ordered!

And guess who is getting big?  My baby Brinly!  She is 3 months and is getting so big!! For her 2 month (which was really like 2 1/2 month) and she was over 12 lbs! Since then she has had a big growth spurt and since I don't have a scale, I don't know how much she weighs.  Everyone that hasn't seen her in a week has said she looks like she has just grown a lot and she has changed...which I feel that way too.

3 months

Big Rykee and Baby Brin, almost friends!

Squishy legs and kissable cheeks!

Some facts about Brinly:

She LOVES to eat...all the time!  She was pretty colicky but I feel like it is decreasing and she is getting better!  She is cooing all the time and smiles when anyone talks to her.  She loves being held and snuggling with mommy!  She has a better wardrobe than me and more hair pieces that she probably needs. She loves her baths and gets very mad at me when I pull her out! Her nicknames are, Brin Baby, Princess Pea, Princess Bean, and Chubby Cheekers.  She loves her Big Brother and he likes her most of the time.  She is daddy's princess and we love her so much.  

Ryker update:
Still a picky eater.  We've tricked him into eating a couple new foods because they were covered in ketchup.  :) is that bad? haha.  He knows how to count to 10. He loves to sing and dance!  He is putting sentences together and still loves cars and trucks.  He is getting too big and it makes me so sad.  He still is a snuggle bug and loves to go on walks to find rocks.  

Friday, July 13, 2012

Dare I even start?

So I've been MIA for the last while for a few reasons...

One...Trevor has been gone for the last 6 weeks. M-F all day! Then comes home and does homework...and then leaves again.  UGH!  I know.  Today is his very last day...and he is about an hour away from being home!!! With him being gone I had hoped to accomplish much much more.  But I'll say that I have been pushed beyond my limits and succeeded!  Which, if you think about it optimistically, I ran a marathon and didn't even condition! :)  Awesome!  I realized how much I really relied on Trevor to get things done here, and with him gone, I had to bother myself to get things done.  I've learned a great lesson on how annoying it can be to have a million and one things to do, when you are still trying to do the last million and one things!  Sorry Trev!

Second...well, I think the first one really sums it up! :)  Plus I am done thinking.  I have had an awesome 6 week break from Trevor and am really glad its mostly over.  Now he has a few more days of the semester and he is done for 7 whole weeks!!! How fabulous huh!? I've been able to strengthen friendships and family relationships.  I've learned how to ask for help and when to take up offers (which I think surprised a few people when they offered).  I've learned that being a single mom is a dreadful road and makes me appreciate single moms/dad even more!  I've learned how to be more patient and how to be a better multi-tasker.  :) I am overall grateful for the strengthening experience, even though I am crossing to long toes and fingers, and arms that I don't have to do it again. ever. ever!

I have had a really long week here and TGIF! :) I love making friends, or I guess acquaintances since I'm a hermit, but when I think I've made a new smile buddy, and then it goes the opposite...its kind of disappointing.  I feel like about 95% of the tenants here get along well with me.  I can have a quick chat with them, ask them about their life and we can be on our merry way.  But then there is the 5% who I wish I could like.  Well, to be honest, no I don't.  It just dawned on me, its ok to not be liked by everyone cause it helps me know what I can work on...but its just disappointing when people are ignorant and not understanding.  I think I've vented to Trevor enough that I don't need to go into details, but lets just say, if tenants had trees that they had to clean up, one tenant would have a wad of toilet paper wrapped around every inch!  If only.  I look forward to some tenants moving and sometimes wish I could make them move. So I'm human? Ugh, how grueling!

Are you still reading this? Well, I think I am done.  I might just start a new post with some warm fuzzy's included.  Stay tuned!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Things that make me happy!

When tough times come it is easy to look at the negative and get frustrated.  Tonight I am choosing to look at how much I've been blessed and find the beauty in the small simple things.  I love pictures!  It helps me go to a happier place when I get overwhelmed!  So here is what I love!

Frozen sleeping arms...

silly faces

squishy cheeks

flower growing and thriving in itself

My baby's eyelashes!

Ryker helping Brinly

Being too tired to sleep laying down.

Daddy and Brinly snuggling

Falling asleep eating Doritos

Garage sales and being with my family

Video chatting with Daddy 
Brinly is a little bit colicky and I thought she was over it...but then I opened my mouth and said, "I think she's over it!" haha...then BAM, it came back.  It made my night a little rough and I felt bad for Ryker because all my focus is on her.  Little man gets put on the back burner because sister is crying her little heart out.  Any suggestions on how to balance a toddler with a colicky baby?

Two more weeks and hopefully things will get back to normal around this household!