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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Big Twucks

Since Ryker is OBSESSED with Monster Trucks, we decided that for his birthday we'd take him to the Monster Jam in Nampa.  It was also just a little getaway before Brinly gets here and we could just give Ryker our undivided attention.  We pulled into Boise about 7ish, checked into our hotel and decided to go grab some food.  Trevor and I have only been to Red Lobster once so we decided to head there.  Ryker loved the lobsters and even got to touch one.  I think he would have jumped in the aquarium if we let him.  He thought those were pretty neat.  As for the food, Trevor was in Heaven.  But as soon as I saw the cups of butter, I lost my appetite and shared Ryker's chicken fingers.  We headed back to the hotel to do some swimming and Ryker thought that was pretty fun.  He didn't want to get out.  I should've taken pics but didn't cause we were all in the water.  He liked jumping in the pool and chasing daddy.
Saturday day was uneventful.  We woke up bright and early...ate some yummy breakfast and then lounged around our room.  I was hoping Ryker would take a nap before we headed out so he'd get a good nap in, but fought it.  We finally left the hotel and just drove around Boise, finally arriving at the mall.  We just window shopped and let Ryker play on the cars for about an hour.  He thought those were pretty fun. 

Still trying to wake up.
We headed back to the hotel to see if Ryker would take a nap and instead we fell asleep while he played in the room.  Sorry buddy! We woke up and headed to the Monster Jam and guess who decided to fall asleep? You guessed it.  We stayed in the car as long as we could so he could sleep.  We still had to wake him up for the show and well from the pictures you can see he was thrilled to be there! haha. 

Warming up to the idea.


Finally looking a little interested.

Liking it!

This truck caught on fire and I felt grateful we were on the other side of the arena so we didn't get smoked out!  Too bad for the people in the stands!

We got back to the hotel and went swimming again.  Ryker LOVES swimming, or I guess being in the water and clinging to me or Trevor.  :) But I LOVED being able to snuggle him and hold him.

All in all, the trip was nice because Trevor didn't do any homework and just spent all day with me and Ryker.  I felt really spoiled because Trevor took care of Ryker and I just got to enjoy being pregnant.  The Monster Jam was great in that they started on time and didn't go late, but I was disappointed in how small it was.  The arena was smaller than the Holt Arena and so there wasn't much the trucks could do.  I think we'll have to start going to Vegas to see the REAL show!  

Sunday we packed up, stopped at a church for Sacrament and then hit the road.  Luckily we only had part of the snow storm to deal with on the way home.  We got home around 8:30 and Ryker was out til about 9:30 the next morning!  Trevor and I have never been to Boise together and it was definitely not Rexburg! haha.  I guess I am just used to everyone being LDS so to see different cultures and habits was an eye opening experience.  I am grateful to live here, but I am excited to get to appreciate people regardless of race and religion.  I miss that about Indiana...but I am really grateful to be surrounded with people who share my values and beliefs.  That was our Boise trip in a nutshell.

Ryker and his big twucks! 
Ryker started sleeping in a toddler bed and has been doing better than expected! The first night was fabulous and I think he has mixed feelings.  I've gone in to check on him a couple of times and find him on the floor.  I think he falls asleep playing with his trucks...even though I put them away!  

It seems weird to say, but since Ryker has turned 2 he has just turned into a little boy...he is no longer my baby and it is crazy!  He loves to sing even though he doesn't know the tune or words.  He conducts music in Sacrament.  He loves to pray.  He can self entertain for longer periods of time.  He learns words very quickly and I love LOVE love his little conversations he thinks hes having with me.  He pretends to read books, and is just boggling my mind everyday with what he is learning.  He is doing well with learning colors, shapes and is such a big helper!  He knows when Daddy gets home he'll get some REAL playtime and is constantly looking out the window for daddy.  He is getting the Stranger Danger and will hide in my legs or shoulders when someone new is around.  I just really see him changing everyday and I am excited but sad that hes so big!  

As for the pregnancy...heading into 36 weeks!! I am on my weekly Dr visits and go in tomorrow to get my group B strep test.  I think up until this point the pregnancy has gone by pretty fast...but now that I still have 3-4 weeks I feel it starting to drag!  I am at the "I'm ready to have my body back" point.  I have spring fever really bad and want to be outside walking.  I have nesting fever BAD but can't do much about it.  ::( I know, I'm a whiner! 

 Craft update:
Quilt I made for Brinly.  Only took about 4 hours and this is the first quilt I made, so I am kinda proud of it.  Still need to make a bed skirt and bumper, but I am procrastinating! 

Some burp rags! I saw these on pinterest and had to try them out.
Ok I'm done. I don't know how to end this so thats all.  Sorry for the long post! Have a good week ya'll!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ryker's 2nd Birthday Party

Two years ago today was my due date for Ryker.  I thought this would be a special day to reflect on how the last two years of my life has changed.  Its kinda fun to be pregnant on a past due date...and as I feel this little life growing inside me, I often think of how pregnancy was with Ryker.  Its fun how different my pregnancies are and its fun to think that my little baby boy is going to be a big brother!  To start off, I guess I'll post some of my favorite pics of Ryk's party.  We had a big turnout of course cause we have an awesome family!
The Invitation I made

Monster Truck Tat

Ryker wanting the Big Twucks on the cake

Birthday Boy

He was so excited to pull off the trucks and roll them around

This year he actually LIKED the cake!

Lots of fun presents!!

Color changing cars!

A REALLY BIG TRUCK!  He was so excited!

A ball

Some bowling pins and finger paints

Balloons are always fun at a birthday party and Lil G thought this balloon was the greatest!

We started around 1 and had a little concession stand that I didn't get a picture of.  We served nachos, hot dogs and some little smokies.  We enjoyed our time being with family and friends and Ryker was in Heaven with all the toys he got.  He was really fun to watch open presents this year cause he actually got into it.  Every tear or pull of the paper he had this little "wooo..." or "yayaya"  He was pretty spoiled and I'm obviously not showing all the pictures either but we had a great time!

Ryker enjoys playing cars with daddy, coloring, making messes, playing on mommy's phone and looking at pics, and helping mommy cook.  He is such a big helper and especially loves being wherever I am.  He is learning so much and can do the actions and sing along to popcorn popping, wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, and head shoulders knees and toes.  He is super silly and loves to dance whenever he hears music.  He can throw quite the tantrum and has quite an arm when he is angry!  But he is my sweet little boy and I cherish every tantrum, every snuggle, and every slobbery kiss.  I love that little boy and I feel like I have been blessed beyond measure to be his mommy!

He has this new obsession to play on my phone and looking at pictures and taking pictures is one of his FAVORITE things to do...even though he gets really shy! This last week we have had a picture session cause he just loves it so much!
He gets SO shy and loves watching himself on my phone.

Our silly faces

One for everyday

Picture to daddy

As for the pregnancy and little Brinly, I definitely have the pregnant waddle going on!  She is super low and I don't dare sneeze!  She is great at making my sciatic nerve do its thing and my hips are no longer my friends.  I toss and turn all night cause I can't get comfortable and bending over is a little difficult. My skin is SUPER dry and I look like an alligator!  :) I still really enjoy being pregnant though because I love feeling her little movements.  I love being able to look forward to holding her and seeing Ryker and Trevor with her.  It is SO crazy to me that I am going to be a mamma of 2! How did I get so blessed? Honestly, I am pretty nervous to do the whole new baby thing again.  I can't wait to meet her, but there is still SO much to get done in the next couple of weeks!  I can't believe how fast the pregnancy has gone by! 34 weeks!! Woowoo!

(And shout out to Rit Dye! I had all these old yellow stained white colored tee's from downeast that were still in good are like new with a new fun color!  Super easy and So much fun to see the results.  I might be a little color happy cause I want to dye anything that is white! This shirt in my 34 week pic is one of the examples!)