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Friday, February 17, 2012

Baby Girl's Name...

I saw this really cute carseat canopy on Pinterest the other day and decided it was time I make one for baby girl.  I have made a couple for baby shower gifts before, but this time, it was for me and my baby girl! I went to the fabric store and the first aisle of fabric I saw, this one stood out to me.  I grabbed it and new it was meant to be.  I put it in my cart and then walked through the aisles to make sure.  I saw a ton of cute fabric...but nothing that screamed my name. (The fabric cutter told me that the fabric was brand new and just came in! Wahoo...first cut on the bolt!)  So I went home and then looked at more pictures of how I wanted this design to turn out.

Two days later I found myself at a quiet naptime, so I pulled my fabric out again...measured, thought, measured, thought some more and a Dr. Phil later...this is what happened.  

Button up front for easy peaking

Square Buttons
Rosette Snaps

 It was a lot of fun to figure out how to make homemade bias tape, put the border on without completely ruining it and using some imagination.  When I was working on it, I kept trying to think of baby girl's name and a couple names popped through my mind.  I tossed them back and forth, but nothing rang out as loud as the one that I originally liked.  Brinly Megan Atkinson.  I have really tried to change my mind on Brinly but I can't.  It rings louder than any other name, just like Ryker's name did.  So unless I have another indecisive moment, Baby Girl will now get to be referred to as Brinly.

Spelling?  Once again I went back and forth on the spelling of her name.  I did some research and what I found was this:

Brynlee (what I originally wanted)-"If you haven't heard of the name Brynlee you probably don't live in Idaho or Utah.  It is one of the more popular names for the LDS culture."  That is why I was super disappointed.  Then my adorable neice chimed, I have 4 Brynlee's that live on my street!  UGH? Really?

So then I looked up the meanings. Brynlee-Hill or Burnt Meadow.  Brinly-Virtuous Princess. HOW COULD I NOT do an I?  Ok so Trevor won...He got the I instead of the Y.  But then I needed a Y, so I'll just toss it at the end.  :) And middle name? Well thats a given...Megan for my long time friend.

(We talked about this as kids and our conversation was short and sweet.)
Me: I am probably going to name my daughter after you.
Megan: I would do the same, but I don't really like your name. it works.  Maybe she'll change her mind! haha. :)

Well, there it is.  Alicia's thought process written out.  It is nice to finally have a name!  Crossing my fingers its going to stick! :)  And when I yell my kids names in sounds good.  RYKER JAMES!!!...BRINLY MEGAN! ( haha, cause if they get in trouble a good name needs to ring can't be too awkward.)

"O?" (Hello)

 As for this little guy? He is growing so fast.  He has quite the vocabulary and we can hold short conversations.  He can tell me what he wants, which is SO nice! And lets me know when he went potty...although he is still hesitant to sit on the potty.  He loves playing on my phone.  He loves LOVES loves cars, and watching Monster Trucks on YouTube. (Trevor and him sit and watch Monster Trucks at night). He will define trucks as "Big Twucks."  It is funny how much he knows!  He is still a picky eater but I am finding I can add a new item to his menu about once a week. YAY!  He loves books, especially if there are dogs or cars in them.

He loves babies and when he saw the carseat cover on our carseat this morning,  he yelled "BABEEE!!" He thought there was a baby and was a little disappointed there wasn't a baby in it.  :)  He is also quite the silly little boy.  He loves to find ways to make me laugh and when I laugh he busts out this cute little giggle.  I sure do love this little boy!

Trevor is half way through the semester! YAY!!! This has been a hard semester for him and me because he is studying most of the day or in class.  I will be excited for it to be over, especially because that'll mean Brinly will be here!

Well, our next couple of weekends are going to be busy busy! We have birthday parties every weekend for the next month! :)  YIKES!  I need to go do some birthday boy shopping!  Wish me luck.  I am sure there will be more posts on what I am I am almost done with one of my BIG projects! So stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Our Valentine's Celebration

Valentine's is a special holiday in our house because it is one of the first holidays Trevor and I were "together."  Eight years ago, our senior year, weird that it seems forever ago, Trevor and I went to a Valentine's formal.  However, we didn't go as a couple.  Someone had already asked him, and well, I didn't want to go because I wanted to go with him...and he was taken.  All my friends were going and so I decided I would just go stag.  My other guy buddy, James, didn't have a date, so we went stag together.  Even though it was a girl's choice dance, he still paid for my dinner, dance, and pictures.  What a good friend huh!

Before the dance, Trevor dropped by and delivered me a heart shaped pizza, and a BEAUTIFUL heart shaped necklace, that I wore later that night and still is my favorite necklace to wear.  Although we didn't celebrate it together, we were in the same group and his date was super nice and let Trevor and I dance a couple songs together.  Looking back at it now, it was not very nice, but being a "lover's holiday" we felt like we needed to be together.  I still feel bad thinking about it, but we were OBSESSED with one another, and our dates new that.  Sorry guys!

Background on us: I had just gotten out of a super crappy relationship, and Trevor was my friend despite my interest in another guy.  When I was heartbroken over this guy, he stepped in and listened to me cry...hugged me...and was there for me.  It didn't take me long to realize the guy before him wasn't worth my tears, because here in front of me was a boy who TRULY cared about me....and when he looked at me, I mattered.  Something I didn't have before.  I knew Trevor was special.  We had dated on and off throughout high school but I was too boy crazy to really be what he wanted...serious.

Later that year, Trevor told me he loved me...awwww.  Only for me to say..."thanks." :) Like I said, I didn't want to be serious. Even though I was in a DEEP like with this boy, I waited to tell him.  Finally, I couldn't deny it...this boy was everything I could want.  Why would I want to look for anything else!  (Funny to say as a teenager, but I knew everything then, right?)  Later that year he gave me a promise ring, and well...that was that.

Trev, Me (30 weeks), Linz & Ron.
Every year after we celebrated Valentines as our anniversary and every year I find myself more madly in love with this guy...even 8 years later!  He is my best friend and I couldn't have asked for more of a man than this one.  This year to celebrate, I saw that there was a dance on I made him take me.  :)  We doubled with my brother and SIL who are 2 of my favorite people to hang out with.  I can always count on laughing all night with these two.  We went to dinner at Da Pineapple Grill...ate some DELISH sushi (cooked, don't worry)...went to the dance. Which was a ton of fun!  It was fun to feel "irresponsible" again.  If that makes sense.  We slow danced, sang at the top of our lungs, and just enjoyed people watching.  (One of my fav past times).  Then we went to dessert at Kiwi Loco...came home to find my Little Man waiting up for us.  Snuggled him and went to bed.
Thanks to my awesome parents for babysitting so we could enjoy our evening.  I know Ryk had fun cause he had Greysen and Xander over to play cars. 

Cutting out the dough

As for Valentines, the actual day...I made a bunch of treats...we ordered a pizza, frosted sugar cookies, and snugggled on the couch watching Breaking Dawn.  Ryker also thought it was funny to make us laugh, so with the sugar running though him, he was quite the silly little man.  It was SO much fun to have Trevor step away from the books, and hang out with us for a whole night!

These two are pros


Sprinkle time!

My pro froster

Had to jump in for one pic

Anytime Ryker gets something on his hands, he thinks he needs to wipe it in his hair.  ??

Testing the cookies

I think he likes them.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Yogurt Baby...Not for the weaker stomachs...

I ‘m sharing my messy moment for the chance to win prizes from TidyMom as part of Clorox’s Bleach It Away campaign . 

My son is a very picky eater.  After a friend told me her son LOVED yogurt, I thought I'd give it a try.  My son was about the age where we were just switching to cow’s milk, so I thought he'd be able to stomach a yogurt.  He gulped it up and LOVED it!  
An hour later we were on our way to some apartment showings in another town and soon my son started getting cranky.  Sure enough, that yogurt didn't stay in his tummy and launched it all over himself and car seat.   Luckily, I had brought another pair of clothes so in our small back seat I cleaned him up and changed his clothes. He seemed fine and happy so we thought we’d do our last showing.  Not long after we started he started screaming and then BAM!  This time he threw up all over his new outfit...and I was out of clothes.  We just bundled him up with his onesie that wasn't too badly thrown up on, buckled him up and started heading home.  Right before we hit the freeway entrance we heard a loud explosion from down under...tagged along with yet another vomiting noise.  We headed to the nearest gas station to clean up what we could. 
My son was in pretty bad shape so instead of dripping his waste and vomit into a public place, I decided I would just clean him up again in the back seat.  I didn't know the magnitude of our mess until I pulled off his newly browned onesie.  I typically have a strong stomach when it comes to fecal matter and vomit, but my poor little boy was COVERED and I couldn’t handle it.  Here we were, with a stark naked baby and a pile of wipes on the ground.  My loving husband tried to help but has a weaker stomach than most and he started gagging and dry heaving.  I quickly joined in and had to take a step away to get air, hold my breath, clean my screaming baby, gag, and start over.  I am sure that the people watching got quite the show, watching two adults trying to clean a baby. What a sight!
 Needless to say, we had quite the mess in our back seat!  After all was out of our sons system, we headed home with our car of puke and other bodily waste.  When we got home, all clothes and car seat cover was tossed in the washer.  We bleached the car seat and sanitized everything that was contaminated.  Our car got a nice scrub down and a new air freshener! 
Whew! What a mess!  We did wait for a couple more weeks to try yogurt again and did it in smaller portions!  He loves yogurt now.  But it sure did teach me a lot as a first time mommy!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What I've been doin....

February!!! Yay!! That means that Spring is only 4 or 5 months! For seriously though, I am loving the weather we've been having!  Whose with me?  If this is the new Idaho...I might just want to stick around!  Probably not, but I am glad its been mild.  I love being able to open my blinds and feel the warmth of the Sun shine through, regardless if its below freezing outside or not!

Well this new year has been good so far! We've had the cold bug splash through and stick around, also had a death in the family and to top it off...Trevor is overwhelmed like crazy at school! What does that mean?!  That we are surviving regardless of our surroundings and well, we are giving ourselves a nice pat on the back!

Lets begin shall we?  Almost 3 weeks ago we headed to Idaho Falls to eat some birthday cake with Gramps (Trevor's grandpa) and watch him blow out 88 candles.  Unfortunately, Gramps had a nasty fall and due to his failing health, was unable to attend his own party.  He was there...his kidney and liver just didn't process the 3 Hydrocodine that he we celebrated his 88 years of a wonderful life with him snoozing in his recliner.  Throughout the next week his health began to decline rapidly and he was put on hospice.  Trevor and I headed down that Friday and spent the evening with family, reminiscing of what a wonderful life Gramps lived and all the memories we had shared.   He laid in the living room as we gathered around him and waited for him to slip away.  Saturday around noon we headed back down to spend time with Grandpa.  Shortly after we arrived and the house was quiet, Grandpa slipped away to reunite with his sweetheart.

I could definitely feel a peace and quiet contentment enter the room.  It seemed almost like the quiet feeling you get when you enter the Celestial room in the temple.  Although its always hard to say goodbye, we knew he lived a good solid life and that we'll get to see him again.  We celebrated his passing by going to Burger King for lunch.  He loved Burger King!

A week later we found ourselves in Utah gathered with loved ones.  I was asked to sing at the funeral along with Trevor's cousin.  We sang Abide With Me, one of my favorites hymns.  It brought me back to my mission, where we sang most of the day in our car, to our investigators and friends, and at baptisms.  It was a beautiful arrangement.  It came my turn to sing my solo and somehow I had confused my pages and well, luckily I had a good vocal partner who jumped right in to help me out.  I still wish I could redo it, but I guess that will be something I always check from now on BEFORE the song starts!

It was a beautiful day and a beautiful last memory of Grandpa.  In honor of him, Trevor and his brother and brother in laws went to a Jazz game.  It sounds bad, but Trevor already had the tickets a couple weeks prior to Grandpa's passing, but we think that Gramps just had good timing.  He knew.  With Trevor and the boys gone, I headed down to Orem to see Megs and her little family.

Its always a favorite time of mine to get to just chat with Megan.  Although we talk more frequently than we see each other, just being moms together was a fun treat to experience.  While I was battling a wild terror toddler, she got to snuggle her sweet little handsome man and somehow we still managed to enjoy ourselves with food and good conversation.  I think we are both secretly hoping our guys end up at the same college for grad school so we can be closer and enjoy our days together while our men are at school.  Wouldn't that be a dream?!  Well, atleast my dream!  :)

We tarried back home to start a new week and a new month.  And here we are....February!  This month is a fun month because its VALENTINES!  Oh, and Trevor's birthday!  Well among the crazy last month, I still managed to find sometime in between naps and cleaning to do some sewing!  You want to see? Oh you signed off already because this post is UBER long?  Ok...well I will just post them for my memory so I know what I did to keep me sorta SANE during CRAZY January! 

Well you'll have to turn your wont let me flip it.  How adorable is this skirt?
I made it for my cute little neice but I don't have a pic of her modeling it.  But it turned out super cute!
A fun crayon roll for church...
Rolls up nice and small!
Don't look too close! Although made with love, it was also made with some frustrated grunts!

Another pair...gotta start her out right!  

This little man always makes a good day better!  He loves bubbles and
obviously was very excited that they worked for him!

My little monkey...he emptied one of his toy bins and crawled in it to eat some snacks.

And if you are still hanging around...check out this cute video of Little.  He recently became INFATUATED with Finding Nemo.  He loves it!  His favorite part is when they are initiating Nemo to "Tank Hood" and they start chanting, "Ha he wa he ha ho ho ho" or something of the sort...Ryker thinks we need to chant along.  Ok, just kidding, computer or blogger wont let me.  But Ryker chants along and it is the funniest thing!  And if I don't chant with him he YELLS..."Mom! Mom! Hahohaoaoho!"  I must watch him and the TV at the same time and chant along.  I love it!  And I love him!

As for pregnancy, everything is looking good! She is moving A TON!!! and well, as usual my hips and lower back scream at me all day long!  I love it!  :)  Well, I'm out, stinky pants is stinkin up my office.  Happy February!!