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Monday, September 3, 2012

Bear Lake Atkinson Retreat

Every year we spend a weekend for the Atkinson Family Retreat.  Each of Trevor's siblings take a year and plan a weekend retreat where we can just be together and have some fun.  This year Candice planned it.  We went to the cabin at Bear Lake, rented some jet skis and played in the water.  We had a blast and Ryker still talks about it.  He called the jet skis "Zoom Zoom" and still asks to go.

Thankfully my SIL Crystal took all the pictures because our camera was dead!  Here are a few of our our family.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Warm Fuzzies!

Awhile ago we went to the airshow in Rexburg with some friends.  Little Tom and Ryker are pretty much identical twins.  They are 12 hours apart and were born in the same hospital.  We were neighboring rooms at the hospital and are positive we crossed paths a million and one times, but have just recently made friends with this couple.  Pretty cool huh!  

Both have an obsession with big trucks!


Airplanes doing some cool tricks

and some cute boys being just that...cute boys!

??? I don't know what he got on his hands but apparently was picture worthy.
Trevor was able to come home for the 4th of July which was fabulous!  He is like a kid in a candy store at the firework stand...honestly I probably should've gone with him. But all "for the sake of Ryker" he got some big trucks to blow up.  Ryker wasn't too thrilled with the screaching and popping...

Ryker was pretty excited and had no clue what to expect!

Waiting for his big truck...

Terrified that his big truck just kablooied!

Even more terrified!

All in all we had a good 4th!  We stayed in Rexburg for the parade and it was great to be able to just walk there and not have to worry about traffic.  We had a yummy bbq with family and my parents took Brinly so we could go to the fireworks.  It was a really low-key 4th.  Just what this momma ordered!

And guess who is getting big?  My baby Brinly!  She is 3 months and is getting so big!! For her 2 month (which was really like 2 1/2 month) and she was over 12 lbs! Since then she has had a big growth spurt and since I don't have a scale, I don't know how much she weighs.  Everyone that hasn't seen her in a week has said she looks like she has just grown a lot and she has changed...which I feel that way too.

3 months

Big Rykee and Baby Brin, almost friends!

Squishy legs and kissable cheeks!

Some facts about Brinly:

She LOVES to eat...all the time!  She was pretty colicky but I feel like it is decreasing and she is getting better!  She is cooing all the time and smiles when anyone talks to her.  She loves being held and snuggling with mommy!  She has a better wardrobe than me and more hair pieces that she probably needs. She loves her baths and gets very mad at me when I pull her out! Her nicknames are, Brin Baby, Princess Pea, Princess Bean, and Chubby Cheekers.  She loves her Big Brother and he likes her most of the time.  She is daddy's princess and we love her so much.  

Ryker update:
Still a picky eater.  We've tricked him into eating a couple new foods because they were covered in ketchup.  :) is that bad? haha.  He knows how to count to 10. He loves to sing and dance!  He is putting sentences together and still loves cars and trucks.  He is getting too big and it makes me so sad.  He still is a snuggle bug and loves to go on walks to find rocks.  

Friday, July 13, 2012

Dare I even start?

So I've been MIA for the last while for a few reasons...

One...Trevor has been gone for the last 6 weeks. M-F all day! Then comes home and does homework...and then leaves again.  UGH!  I know.  Today is his very last day...and he is about an hour away from being home!!! With him being gone I had hoped to accomplish much much more.  But I'll say that I have been pushed beyond my limits and succeeded!  Which, if you think about it optimistically, I ran a marathon and didn't even condition! :)  Awesome!  I realized how much I really relied on Trevor to get things done here, and with him gone, I had to bother myself to get things done.  I've learned a great lesson on how annoying it can be to have a million and one things to do, when you are still trying to do the last million and one things!  Sorry Trev!

Second...well, I think the first one really sums it up! :)  Plus I am done thinking.  I have had an awesome 6 week break from Trevor and am really glad its mostly over.  Now he has a few more days of the semester and he is done for 7 whole weeks!!! How fabulous huh!? I've been able to strengthen friendships and family relationships.  I've learned how to ask for help and when to take up offers (which I think surprised a few people when they offered).  I've learned that being a single mom is a dreadful road and makes me appreciate single moms/dad even more!  I've learned how to be more patient and how to be a better multi-tasker.  :) I am overall grateful for the strengthening experience, even though I am crossing to long toes and fingers, and arms that I don't have to do it again. ever. ever!

I have had a really long week here and TGIF! :) I love making friends, or I guess acquaintances since I'm a hermit, but when I think I've made a new smile buddy, and then it goes the opposite...its kind of disappointing.  I feel like about 95% of the tenants here get along well with me.  I can have a quick chat with them, ask them about their life and we can be on our merry way.  But then there is the 5% who I wish I could like.  Well, to be honest, no I don't.  It just dawned on me, its ok to not be liked by everyone cause it helps me know what I can work on...but its just disappointing when people are ignorant and not understanding.  I think I've vented to Trevor enough that I don't need to go into details, but lets just say, if tenants had trees that they had to clean up, one tenant would have a wad of toilet paper wrapped around every inch!  If only.  I look forward to some tenants moving and sometimes wish I could make them move. So I'm human? Ugh, how grueling!

Are you still reading this? Well, I think I am done.  I might just start a new post with some warm fuzzy's included.  Stay tuned!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Things that make me happy!

When tough times come it is easy to look at the negative and get frustrated.  Tonight I am choosing to look at how much I've been blessed and find the beauty in the small simple things.  I love pictures!  It helps me go to a happier place when I get overwhelmed!  So here is what I love!

Frozen sleeping arms...

silly faces

squishy cheeks

flower growing and thriving in itself

My baby's eyelashes!

Ryker helping Brinly

Being too tired to sleep laying down.

Daddy and Brinly snuggling

Falling asleep eating Doritos

Garage sales and being with my family

Video chatting with Daddy 
Brinly is a little bit colicky and I thought she was over it...but then I opened my mouth and said, "I think she's over it!" haha...then BAM, it came back.  It made my night a little rough and I felt bad for Ryker because all my focus is on her.  Little man gets put on the back burner because sister is crying her little heart out.  Any suggestions on how to balance a toddler with a colicky baby?

Two more weeks and hopefully things will get back to normal around this household!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Catching Up

We have had lots happening here in the Atkinson household!  I have a minute to sit down and try and catch up while I can.  So lets get up to speed shall we?

Family Pic.
Two Sundays ago Brinly was blessed.  We were among the 3 babies getting blessed so our Sacrament was super crowded and super busy!  I made Brinly's dress.  I found a dress on Pinterest I was obsessed with and contacted the girl who created a pattern for me to test out.  Luckily, I got it finished! It only took me 2 months with all the interruptions.  Because Brinly came 10 days early I had to figure out how to juggle 2 kids and a time to sew.  Who knew it could be so busy?!  Anyway, the dress was a success and I love it!  Even with all my newbie skills!

We had a luncheon afterward with our family who came and it too was a success!  We had great weather and great company!

Auntie Megan!
Then the next day Megan came up to stay 4 days with me!  I was counting down the days like I was counting down Christmas.  See Miss Megan and I have had chances to spend a couple hours together here and there, but we haven't spent 4 days together since I my 18th birthday when I went to see her in Vegas!  Like forever ago!  Trev was gone for the week and so she brought her cute little man up to keep me company, and lets face it, remind me to eat!  Although we spent all day together, it wasn't until Wednesday night, that she and I had some time to sit and talk like ole times.  We were up too long, crying, laughing, and reminiscing about our past and dreams of the future.  We seriously said, "K we need to go to bed...oh wait, one more thing!" like 5 times. Since we can't settle for being Sister Wives, cause thats kinda crazy, I'll settle for being neighbors! :)  It was so great to have someone who could watch the kids while I ran out real quick, or someone to make dinner, and my favorite, "Have you eaten today?  Can I make you something?"  See, I figured out why Ryker is such an awful eater...its totally my fault.  I know I don't look like it, but I just really struggle eating.  I am so busy between here and there, and it completely slips my mind.  So I'm trying to remember to eat which I think will help Ryker too.
Ryker and Carter 
Cute kids! Ryk saw me snapping pics and felt left out!

Nap time with Daddy
 I had to put Brinly back in her dress because we didn't get very many pics of her in it.

This is what we call the Ryker face.

Look at that double chin!  Sorry little one, you get that from me!

So kissable!!

Her Dress

Just Chillen...with a car.

Ryker face and sweet Brinly

Ryk was doing everything he could to get in this picture.  :) Little stinker!

2 Months!! (and this flower looks way bigger in these
 photos than it actually is, or I'm in denial)

So I know I said I've been busy, and I have, but I can't even remember now what I was doing.  Holy Smokes time just goes by too fast.  Brinly is 2 months today and growing so well.  She is a pretty good sleeper, unlike her adorable brother.

Ryker is so smart and is also getting so tall!  He can identify most of the alphabet and the other day, read me (from memory) his night time story.  I was shocked!! and I loved every minute!! He is still a picky eater, and I'm glad to see that your kids are on a cookie diet as well!  :)

Trevor is more than half way through the semester and only has 5 weeks left! He got all A's again the last block and is continuing to do really well the second block.  He registered for his last semester and also applied for graduation, ordered his cap and gown, and we are looking forward to being done here! Then onto the next step of the unknown!!

I have started to jog again, and its been really medicating to see myself accomplish things.  I am not in the middle of a craft project and I don't really know what I want to do next, so I'm just laying low and enjoying my time with the kiddies.  The office is keeping me busy as its that time again for renewals and contract signings...which I feel is never ending!  Other than that, we're excited summer is here!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Boogers on my shoulders

Last night, or I guess I should say this morning, I crawled into bed, exhausted and frustrated, and said, "I am SOOO done! I am done being a mom!"  I knew I didn't mean it, but at that moment in time, I was done.  I then nudged Trevor as if passing off the reins and he knew it was his turn to take Ryker.  So I write this post to redeem myself from my awful claim of being done.  

See, I love LOVE love being a mom! I love it more than I could have ever dreamed!  I love the quiet moments when both kids are happy and I am well groomed, make up done and my house is clean. I feel accomplished.  Its those incredibly rare moments that make me feel like, "I can do this! I can have 4 more kids!"  and then I laugh cause that thought only lasts 2.2 until I try and sneak in a cat nap...which is also rare.

Side note: Let me explain my incredibly picky toddler and maybe you moms out there can send some advice my way.  If Ryker doesn't eat, he is MEAN! Like super mean and SO whiny.  He whines over EVERYTHING!  If he doesn't eat dinner, then he wakes up at 3 or 4 am SCREAMING bloody murder along with the side of MEAN!  So I try and make sure he fills up on anything I can get in his little tummy before bedtime so he sleeps good and wakes up happy.  Unfortunately he is super picky.

Throwing a tantrum in the hospital...
but this is how it usually looks.
Once upon a time, he was a great eater! THE END! Then he became an independent toddler and now he will ask for a particular food (after I've offered what I made over and over), I'll give it to him, he'll take a bite and spit it out.   ???  I am so stumped.  If I offer him something else, he won't even look at it.  He won't even taste it!  I've been praying my brains out that he'll be open to trying things, but Heavenly Father I guess has something for me to learn.  I've even tried the, "if you don't eat, you go to bed hungry..." which takes me to my previous paragraph...Mr Meany.

So I'm in a bit of a dilemma.  If he doesn't eat, he wakes up SUPERMAN MEAN...and wont go back to bed until he wears himself out, which is usually about the time I need to get ready to open the office...

Ok, my vent is over.  I think you got the idea...Ryker doesn't eat which leads to him not sleeping well which leads to a little mean boy which leads to an overtired, over exhausted mama!  On to my redemption.

Its the moments like now, where I have peapod in her swing, and little man still in his Thomas the Train jammies, coming up and slapping me, grabbing my keyboard and trying to type my post for me, that I cherish.  Its the moment when I look like my brother because I have no makeup on and my wet hair slicked back.  Its the times that drive me absolutely crazy that I can cherish...because I feel like Heavenly Father is saying, "You are ready to learn something new!"  Even though I usually bury my head in my hands and pray asking "WHY?!" Its then that I find strength to pick up my screaming tantrum throwing two year old and let him bury his face in my shoulder and wipe his sticky boogers all over my shoulder.  (And yes, I go to the grocery store with the dried boogers on my shoulder because its kind of like an award.  An awkwardly gross award saying, "I made it through a tantrum and my son still loves me and trusts me enough to hold him while he cries." or most likely I forgot and the award thing sounded good!) 
Its the moments when he has little conversations with me, or sings songs with me, or puts his little feet in our shoes and tries to walk, that I truly cherish!  I love his little crooked smile, and his sweet little giggle when he is being silly.  I love when he plays big brother and tries to comfort his screaming sister.  I love when he is shy and buries his head in my leg.  I love his love for the outdoors and his curiosity.  I love finding a trail of cars throughout my house and I love when he runs to me when I've been out of site for longer than 30 seconds screaming, "Ahhh, mamaa!! Darwa! (There you are)"  I love how he chews on his suckers like me and wants to snuggle up in my arms anytime we watch a movie. 

So when I claimed, "I'm done being a mom" I instantly regretted it because I knew all of the good moments I cherish...I wouldn't trade those for ANYTHING!  I felt like any mother who has lost a child would slap me and say "Take it back!"  And I did!  I wouldn't trade being a mom!  I love it!  I'll take the sleepless nights, and my unkept self along with my toy scattered house...I'll take that boogered shoulder, because those are things I don't want to live without!  Because if I did, it would mean I'd live without him...and I just can't.  I'll take what I've been given and love it!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Story!!!

Hey Ya'll!!

Well the last post was when I was 38 and a half weeks, and well that was 5 weeks ago! Can you believe it?
Obviously I am no longer pregnant and I am here to tell my story! You ready for some TMI?  I am.

I had been contracting a lot the week before and some of them would be timeable. I think the morning of my last doctors appointment I had been having contractions and almost woke Trevor up to take me to the hospital.   But then I laid on a heating pad and fell asleep, so obviously was not in labor even though I hurt!  I went to my dr appt and was at a 5!! WAHOO! I came home and Trevor said we needed to go on a walk and get things going.  Well, I had already done 5 apartment checkouts, climbed ladders, and cleaned a couple units, so I was feeling confident I didn't need to walk!  I was actually trying to hold out for one more day cause the 12th was move in day and I just had a lot to do! PLUS, I had just got a pattern to do Brinly's blessing dress and wanted to get that done.

Exhausted from the busy day, I went to bed expecting to wake up to move in day and go about my business.  Instead I woke up at 2:30 and usual.  About half hour or an hour later, I thought I peed the bed! AHH! I jumped up and wasn't sure what to do! "Trevor..." I gasped!! "I need a towel! My water broke!" He jumped out of bed and grabbed a towel while I stood in between my bed and dresser trying to figure out what I should to the bathroom or wait for a towel.  I stood on the towel since Trevor was speedy quick and when I looked up Trevor was dressed and ready to go. Haha.  I told him I needed to call the hospital and he needed to call his mom.

I called the hospital and the nurse said, "Well the baby isn't coming yet, so take your time, shower and come in when you can."  So I was calmed and reassured baby girl wasn't going to pop out.  On the other hand, Trevor was packing, stressed and about woke up Ryker when he looked at me confused.  "I'm going to shower and get ready." Haha.  We waited for Connie and my contractions were starting.  I was in and out of the bathroom as I was soaking every pad I wore...UGH! How annoying!  45 minutes later we were on our way to the hospital to make sure I hadn't peed my pants and that my water had really broke.

The nurse, Sadie, checked me and weird enough, the test paper had checked there was amniotic fluid and that there wasn't.  She was a little confused and checked again and same thing.  So she called the dr and he advised to just keep me a little longer.  My contractions became irregular and so it looked as though I wasn't in labor.  HMM.  My new nurse, Jill, came in and said, I am going to give you an IV so that we can keep you! :) Secretly, I thought, "I LOVE YOU!!"  I seriously had THE best nurse! She was awesome.  I had told her my concerns for the epidural, and my labor horror fears with Ryker, and she said, "We are going to make this awesome! Don't you worry!" Maybe not those exact words, but thats what I heard!

I told her I wanted the epidural before contractions hurt and she got the shot lady (I don't know how to spell the real word, hence "shot lady").  Dr Lovell came in and tried to see if he could break my water and LOW and BEHOLD, my water was broke already! Hmm, go figure, I didn't pee the bed! :) He told me to wait til 1 so he could deliver, otherwise I'd have to have Dr. Meredith, who I originally wanted anyway!

I got my epidural and as awkward as it was sitting indian style bent over and HUGE belly in my way, I was grateful to know I would soon be pain free!  I even heard a newborn cry in my most painful moment, and I chanted, "Its worth it!! Its worth it!"The shot lady was concerned because I had mentioned my last experience and she asked me several times if I was sure I wanted the epidural.  Finally, I said, YES!! I AM SURE! SHOOT ME UP!!  :)  Well, my right side went numb! But then my left side followed suit as before and I could feel all my contractions on that side.  Annoying right?  So I called Jill and she had a stronger dose administered to me and had me lay on my left side...soon enough I felt like an elephants foot and it was FABULOUS!!! I could finally relax and sleep! Heaven! WHO doesn't want to sleep at 9 months pregnant? I did!

About an hour later (10:30 ish am) she came in and checked me.  She looked at me and my half asleep self and said, "Guess where you are?"  I said, "8?" She said, "higher!!"  I smiled and she said, "we are going to have a baby with in an hour!  I don't think you are going to be waiting til 1!"  Dr. Meredith, super awesome doc, came in and suited up.  Peeked under the covers and said, "ooohhh, look, shes coming!  There is her head! Don't push yet!"  Trevor and Jill jumped over and sure enough, baby was on her way!

Trevor and Jill held my legs and counted and I pushed 6 times...3 per contraction.  My last push Dr. Meredith looked at Trevor and said, "You want to deliver her?"  Trevor jumped over shocked and with the Docs help, he delivered his little girl!  She screamed and it was was like my own personal angel singing!  They placed her on my chest and I cried as I kissed her sweet little, white goopy head.  :)  Then the nurses swooped her away and Trevor flocked to his little girl.  I watched the amazing nurses clean her, weigh her and Trevor fall in love.  Trevor was snapping pics and brought the camera back to me so I could see my little girl.  I asked him, "Shes a girl right?"  She looked EXACTLY like Ryker!! He smiled and said, "I didn't look, but I think so!" haha.

Soon enough, my piece of Heaven was tucked in my gown and we snuggled skin to skin.  I thought, "So this is how a perfect delivery feels!"  Little Brinly Megan, born at 11:14 am, weighing 6 lbs 14 oz 19 1/2 inches long.  We enjoyed our visitors at the hospital, the amazing ward and family who brought dinners, and well, 5 weeks has almost arrived and I can't believe it!

She has been a good baby! She obviously does what all babies do, but she is so special and I don't care about the frustrating moments when she is snuggled up on my chest.  Everything else seems minute!  She sleeps fairly well through the night.  Eats ALL the time and loves to snuggle!

As for my little Rykee, he was extremely jealous at first.  He was the first one to meet her and he saw me holding her and looked at me like I had betrayed him.  He wouldn't have anything to do with me or her for the first couple hours...then when he woke up from his nap he snuggled with me.  He is getting more and more patient with her every day.  Just last night she was crying in her swing while I was trying to help Trevor install a fan.  He walked over to her and said, "Binly..u fiiiine.  Binly, U fiine" over and over.  When she cries he thinks he needs to hold her and will say, "Hold youee, Hold youeee!" and then run to the couch so he can hold her.

As of yesterday, Brinly weighed 9 lbs 10 oz.  She is growing and gaining weight like a champ and is changing too quickly!  She is so beautiful in every way and I am grateful to have her in our family!

For me, I am surviving.  :) For what I thought would be an easy semester for Trevor has turned into his absence at home..again.  I look forward to July, when it will be over and I will have him home for 7 weeks!! Until then, I bought myself a double stroller so I can enjoy the beautiful weather and try my hand at running again.  I won't post any pics here cause there are too many and I'm sure you've seen them all on Facebook. Trevor has a sweet obsession with her and posts pics ALL the time.

Well, thats my story.  I'm glad I had time to FINALLY write it out before I forgot!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Final Words

38 Weeks
It is SO weird that this is my last week as a mom of one!  I keep thinking that Brinly will never come and I'll be pregnant forever.  But the last week it has become more and more real to me.  I am scheduled to be induced on Monday at 7:30 am.  Which I am really excited about...but on the other, I really rather that she decide to come before that on her own!

Last Wednesday I went to my Dr's appointment and I was already at a 3 almost a 4.  The dr obviously didn't want to predict when she'd arrive as babies run on their own time line...but she was glad that I had already dilated that far so it wasn't a concern to be induced!  I was just relieved to know that something was happening cause when I had Ryker, I was barely at a 2 when I went into labor and would've sent me home.

I am nervous to think I am going to have another baby I am responsible for.  I am so excited to meet her though and to have her in our family!  I am excited to see Trevor hold her and Ryker kiss her.  I know there are going to be many things that outweigh my nervousness, but I just hate the waiting part.

As for my stats, everything was looking good last week.  I go in tomorrow for my final appointment!!  SO weird!  I've gained 25 lbs, which I am excited about...since I gained 36 with Ryker! Blood pressure was great, and Brinly's heart rate was good as well!

Doesn't she look FABULOUS!? Love you Megs.
Thanks for making me feel like an
Oompa Loompa! :) Haha.
As for the final weeks?  I had a baby shower here at my sister's house, which I think I mentioned? Maybe?  Then I had another baby shower in Utah on March 31 at my sister in laws house.  I am thankful for all their hard work that they put into the showers.  I got some great gifts and despite the number of people that came, which was about an average of 2 people, I really appreciate the support that was shown to us.  Megan came from Orem and it is as always SO fun to have her around!  We actually got a picture this time!

Our new changing table!!

Trevor finished his semester on the 6th so we've had him home to play and help when I need it! Its been great.  He had to study for the GRE which he took today but we are glad to now have him the rest of the week before school starts up again.  He has helped me finish my BIG project that has taken me forever! I am in LOVE with it!  I also made some curtains for little's room and have done all that I can think to do that needs to be done.  I am almost done with the crib skirt but will probably finish that once I can work on the floor with out any pain.

Blinds and changing table
I still have decorations to put up and others to paint or finish painting, but with this week, everything is kinda on hold.  I'd like to eventually make Ryker a new bedding set that matched the room and spray paint his bed to match as well...but all things take time and a lot of those things can wait til later...I hope.

As for our Easter it was great! I have lots of pics I need to upload but I have overdone it today so I need to go lay down and start timing these annoying contractions!  Just need to get through one more day of move outs and I'll feel better!

Just need to vent!

Trevor and I have been managing an apartment complex for the last year and it has been a huge blessing!  But once a semester we have the move outs and move ins about a day apart.  About every move out there is at least one couple who opens my eyes to a new world.  A world I don't even dare become a part of.  Its like watching Hoarders and then wanting to go soak in a bleach bath just from watching it!

I think I am pretty OCD when it comes to inspecting apartments.  Why? Well because I have lived and moved into apartments where they were super filthy!  I hated the feeling of cooking in someone else's greasy kitchen, showering in someone elses water stains, and sleeping in someone else's dusty room.  It just bothers me.  Not to say that I am OCD when it comes to cleaning my house because Heaven knows that bathrooms are my least favorite chore.  But I still clean them and give them a good scrub down.

On to my rant, I hate the complaints that go something like this. "It was dirty when I moved in.  Why do I need to clean it then?"  "I tried cleaning that but it just wouldn't clean up."  "I just didn't have time so I'll let you just charge me."

REALLY people?  Here are my want to slap you in the face responses.  "So because it was dirty when you moved in, you never felt it necessary to clean it? And haven't you EVER heard leave something better than when you found it?"

"I highly HIGHLY doubt that you even attempted to bend over and wipe out those HUGE burnt food crumbs left in your oven!! How can your windows have smudges and dirty water marks if you tried?  Honestly, how is your bathroom mirror covered in toothpaste if you tried? Even water would have taken that off!!!  There is a pile of dirt on your floor...please tell me how you tried and failed to vacuum that?"

"For the 2.5 years you've been living here, you haven't had time to wipe down your stove? Or clean your windows?  You are a student, with no kids, and no job!!!"

If you can't tell, the last couple of days people having been moving out and I am dealing with THAT one as mention before.  I think I am very fair in how I handle checkouts and even gave them a list of things that needed to be cleaned.  I EVEN brought over my household cleaning supplies so they could use them.  I told them I'd be back to check and she stopped in shortly after I left their unit and said they were done.  HMMM...REALLY?  So this morning I went over to re-check the list of things that needed to be done and they weren't.  So I am cleaning their unit this morning and I am just sick with how gross it is.  Its one thing to have a dirty house because of whatever reason, but when you move and someone new is moving in, have the decency to clean up your grimy mess!  I now feel like I need to soak in a bleach bath and shave my head.

If anyone wants to know how to clean your stove let me put in my 2 cents.  When we moved in to our unit our oven was CAKED in exploded food and spilled over messes.  I tried my luck with all the household remedies like baking soda and anything that can be mixed with it.  NOTHING worked!  I was a little disappointed because I REALLY wanted a clean stove.  I remembered these little blue soapy sponges that I used in the mission all the time, so I grabbed my brillo pads and it was like magic! It has been my go-to scrubbing tool because whatever soap it has packed in it is like Dawn times 100.  Mix that with a little steel wool and BAM! Its done.  Kudos to you Brillo inventer.  You knew exactly what you were doing!

Just to explain the depth of dirty on the previously mentioned apartment, I used 1 1/2 brillo pads on my stove.  I am 5, count them, FIVE, brillo pads on this stove and it is STILL gross.  SIGH.  Whats a girl to do.  And honestly, I can't close my eyes and pretend that its clean.  I can't hand over the keys to the new tenants knowing how gross it is.  So unless I go into labor before that oven is clean, I am bound and determined to have that be sparkling!!  I should've taken a before pic!

There are so many GOOD cleaning products out there and so many BAD ones.  If I walk into a unit and it smells like bleach and 409, I know that its been done right.  When I come into a unit that smells like spic and span and fabuloso or some dollar store cleaner I sigh because I know I have a journey ahead of me.

Well, thats my vent.  We usually have great tenants who know how to clean and actually do clean.  I love when a check out takes 10 minutes instead of hours and repeated trips back and forth.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Big Twucks

Since Ryker is OBSESSED with Monster Trucks, we decided that for his birthday we'd take him to the Monster Jam in Nampa.  It was also just a little getaway before Brinly gets here and we could just give Ryker our undivided attention.  We pulled into Boise about 7ish, checked into our hotel and decided to go grab some food.  Trevor and I have only been to Red Lobster once so we decided to head there.  Ryker loved the lobsters and even got to touch one.  I think he would have jumped in the aquarium if we let him.  He thought those were pretty neat.  As for the food, Trevor was in Heaven.  But as soon as I saw the cups of butter, I lost my appetite and shared Ryker's chicken fingers.  We headed back to the hotel to do some swimming and Ryker thought that was pretty fun.  He didn't want to get out.  I should've taken pics but didn't cause we were all in the water.  He liked jumping in the pool and chasing daddy.
Saturday day was uneventful.  We woke up bright and early...ate some yummy breakfast and then lounged around our room.  I was hoping Ryker would take a nap before we headed out so he'd get a good nap in, but fought it.  We finally left the hotel and just drove around Boise, finally arriving at the mall.  We just window shopped and let Ryker play on the cars for about an hour.  He thought those were pretty fun. 

Still trying to wake up.
We headed back to the hotel to see if Ryker would take a nap and instead we fell asleep while he played in the room.  Sorry buddy! We woke up and headed to the Monster Jam and guess who decided to fall asleep? You guessed it.  We stayed in the car as long as we could so he could sleep.  We still had to wake him up for the show and well from the pictures you can see he was thrilled to be there! haha. 

Warming up to the idea.


Finally looking a little interested.

Liking it!

This truck caught on fire and I felt grateful we were on the other side of the arena so we didn't get smoked out!  Too bad for the people in the stands!

We got back to the hotel and went swimming again.  Ryker LOVES swimming, or I guess being in the water and clinging to me or Trevor.  :) But I LOVED being able to snuggle him and hold him.

All in all, the trip was nice because Trevor didn't do any homework and just spent all day with me and Ryker.  I felt really spoiled because Trevor took care of Ryker and I just got to enjoy being pregnant.  The Monster Jam was great in that they started on time and didn't go late, but I was disappointed in how small it was.  The arena was smaller than the Holt Arena and so there wasn't much the trucks could do.  I think we'll have to start going to Vegas to see the REAL show!  

Sunday we packed up, stopped at a church for Sacrament and then hit the road.  Luckily we only had part of the snow storm to deal with on the way home.  We got home around 8:30 and Ryker was out til about 9:30 the next morning!  Trevor and I have never been to Boise together and it was definitely not Rexburg! haha.  I guess I am just used to everyone being LDS so to see different cultures and habits was an eye opening experience.  I am grateful to live here, but I am excited to get to appreciate people regardless of race and religion.  I miss that about Indiana...but I am really grateful to be surrounded with people who share my values and beliefs.  That was our Boise trip in a nutshell.

Ryker and his big twucks! 
Ryker started sleeping in a toddler bed and has been doing better than expected! The first night was fabulous and I think he has mixed feelings.  I've gone in to check on him a couple of times and find him on the floor.  I think he falls asleep playing with his trucks...even though I put them away!  

It seems weird to say, but since Ryker has turned 2 he has just turned into a little boy...he is no longer my baby and it is crazy!  He loves to sing even though he doesn't know the tune or words.  He conducts music in Sacrament.  He loves to pray.  He can self entertain for longer periods of time.  He learns words very quickly and I love LOVE love his little conversations he thinks hes having with me.  He pretends to read books, and is just boggling my mind everyday with what he is learning.  He is doing well with learning colors, shapes and is such a big helper!  He knows when Daddy gets home he'll get some REAL playtime and is constantly looking out the window for daddy.  He is getting the Stranger Danger and will hide in my legs or shoulders when someone new is around.  I just really see him changing everyday and I am excited but sad that hes so big!  

As for the pregnancy...heading into 36 weeks!! I am on my weekly Dr visits and go in tomorrow to get my group B strep test.  I think up until this point the pregnancy has gone by pretty fast...but now that I still have 3-4 weeks I feel it starting to drag!  I am at the "I'm ready to have my body back" point.  I have spring fever really bad and want to be outside walking.  I have nesting fever BAD but can't do much about it.  ::( I know, I'm a whiner! 

 Craft update:
Quilt I made for Brinly.  Only took about 4 hours and this is the first quilt I made, so I am kinda proud of it.  Still need to make a bed skirt and bumper, but I am procrastinating! 

Some burp rags! I saw these on pinterest and had to try them out.
Ok I'm done. I don't know how to end this so thats all.  Sorry for the long post! Have a good week ya'll!