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Monday, November 14, 2011

Taking it for granted.

I have a lot on my mind and want to share things that remind me daily to be thankful.  I have never really had a strong testimony of Relief Society or ever felt excited to go.  Same thing with visiting teaching, although I know of its importance so I went.  About a month and a half ago our stake boundaries changed and we were moved into a new ward which meant I was released from working in the nursery.  I told Trevor that although I loved working with the special angels, I really felt burned out and felt like I needed to strengthen my testimony.  Trevor and I were called to be Ward Missionaries.  I can't tell you how excited I am because I am very passionate about seeing others progress in the gospel, and I really missed praying for people outside of my family.  I've also started taking a family search class during Sunday school and things were really looking good for me and my little testimony.  I went to RS and had an ok lesson and just left feeling like I needed to have a better attitude and be grateful for the 50 minutes I get to gather with inspiring women.

My visiting teachers came over today and as I tear up writing about it, my heart feels grateful for such an inspired program.  Like I said earlier, my testimony really slacked in the visiting program, but today, when these two sisters showed up I felt grateful to know that Heavenly Father really is aware of me and hears my prayers.  These sisters are a strength and their testimonies radiated of Charity.  I haven't ever had fabulous visiting teachers who I felt like they truly wanted to see me, and wanted to be apart of my life.  So its always seemed cliche to say, "Let me know if you need anything," and really never meant anything to me.

After my sisters left, I had a grateful heart, for one of these sisters has seen more heartache that I only have nightmares about, and she reminded me how to rely on the Lord.  I still thought about her tragic lifestyle and I wanted to call her, but because of the fear of creating an awkward situation I chose to let it go.  Sure enough, she called me and I was able to explain my heartache for her.  She lovingly explained she was ok and for me to not be concerned.  I was grateful at that moment that she was inspired to call.  She was in tune enough with the spirit to know that a crazy lady whom she had stewardship over needed to talk again.

So, as I still struggle in my testimony of the thought of a roomful of crying ladies, I realize that someday, starting today, my testimony will be strengthened.  That I have hope because this amazing sister and friend, understands the concept of visiting teaching.  My hope is that one day, hopefully soon than later, I can exemplify Christ's love like my visiting teachers have to me today.

I am also so grateful for a healthy body, and beautiful little boy, and an incredible husband who I can see everyday.  I am grateful that my son has a chance to have an exceptional father who will take time to play with him and teach him.  I am grateful for the time I can snuggle with him on the couch, or sit across from him at the dinner table.  I am so grateful to be reminded that this life is short, and that everyday I am blessed to wake up to the man I love and the scream of "Mommmmyyy!" I am grateful that I can feel my new little baby move and have a new chamber in my heart added to love each time a new child is added to our family.

That all being said, I did want to share some pictures of our fun weekend.  Trevor and I celebrated my birthday of Friday.  He took me to Johnny Carino's and to the HILARIOUS movie, Jack & Jill.  Then Saturday we headed for the tetons during the beautiful snow storm in search of some rocks. (much more than rocks but to me, rocks.)  Afterward we played in the snow and bundled Ryker up like the little boy off of "A Christmas Story."  And then enjoyed our night in. Sunday was church and then some much needed playtime with Ryker where we all laughed and loved every minute of being together.

All bundled up and ready to help daddy.

Although there is a clear path, we all feel that we need to make our own journey...little monkey.


Daddy teaching how to make snowballs...

Just like dad.

This little boy will probably never be afraid of heights!

Well, I'm off to go snuggle my Rykee.  Trev's at school late, so that leaves us to pop some popcorn and watch  Buzz.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I am grateful for the sweet little kisses of Ryker.  I love his little words he says and comes up with, and I LOVE trying to figure out what he's saying.  Sometimes I just laugh because he is so close to the word, but slightly off.  Trevor and I were trying to get him to say cup, he knows what it is and how to identify it, but is dyslexic saying it so he says "Puc." Everytime.  He can say "chip" but cup is difficult.

Other favorite words:
"Caaaar!!"-always exclaimed and always dragged out.
"Popcle"-new word, we were introduced to the mighty mini's Popsicles and he is obsessed. (Thanks Linz!)
"Paaeee"-plane. Since we have planes flying over our house hourly he has learned the sound quickly
"Chaaae"-Train...once again always honking? Is that what trains do? Honk?
"Mooooooon"-he loves seeing the moon, anywhere, in books, on tv or obvious places like the sky.
"Hi Daddy"-he LOVES his daddy and when daddy comes home.  Whenever we drop Trev off at school he has a fit and cries and cries! The other day he ran into the office and opened the door and yelled "DAAAD" but Trev was at school.  He came out a little confused.

We are also trying to teach him how to count on his fingers and say I love you with the sign.  His little hands are my favorite and to watch him figure out how to use his hands is HILARIOUS.  He has started pointing with his middle finger and always looks like he is doing "jazz hands."  He loves hide and seek and chasing each other, he loves helping me in the kitchen and is kinda obsessed with starbursts. (my fault!)

I love this little boy and I love holding his little hands.  Everytime I do, I try and remember that feeling of his hands in mine because one day he won't want to hold mine anymore, and I dread it.  I love being a mommy because for the difficult days like today, I can look at him and be grateful that I can love unconditionally.  I am grateful that I can be tried and that I can overcome self doubt! I am grateful for his daddy who loves me unconditionally...and when the day ends, the only thing that matters, is that my family is there to pick me up and love me back.

So thank you hard days, for reminding me life is good.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm Grateful for my little life.

Wow! A week into November?! Really, every month is going by super fast.  Just thought I'd give a quick update on my life and how grateful I am! November, month of gratitude, is also my birthday month! So I am grateful to be where I am in my life.  I feel a great sense of accomplishment and love. I am grateful that Heavenly Father has trusted me to raise Little Man, to be a wife, and to be a daugher, sister, and friend!  I am truly blessed! 
 So here is my picture update...

Getting started early! He loves music and any instrument...especially daddy's guitars!

He LOVES his daddy! 

So tired. Right before I snapped this pic, he had one leg on the couch like he fell asleep climbing up! haha.

I am grateful for his tantrums because one day, I'll miss it.  Little Booger!

Helping mommy make some Nutella Chocolate Cookies!

He got to lick the spoon!

So yummy!

Helping mommy stir...but really I think he was hoping to lick the spatula!

16 week bump.  Takin a pic of myself is hard!

I can't believe I am 16 weeks!  This pregnancy is going by so much quicker and I am feeling better.  I feel blessed to have only headaches to deal with.  And if I don't eat I get super nauseous, but that's occasional since I am ALWAYS hungry and ALWAYS snacking on something!  We find out gender of baby on November 29, which is also my bestie's due date! I am excited to share a "looking forward to date" with her, since I've always wanted to be pregnant at the same time!  Thanks Megs!

Trev is doing fabulous in school, 4.0! He is such a great student and I am thankful that he doesn't have to work so he can really focus on his schoolwork!  We really have been so blessed and I can't say thank you enough for all the support and help we get!  I love living my life and watching miracles unravel everyday!

YAY for November!!!