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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Party

This year our ward had a halloween party.  I think this was in place of the trunk or treat which is fabulous because its SO cold outside! This year Ryker is a mummy.  I am thankful for hand-me-down costumes! I tried making a mummy costume and well, it wasn't so cute, so when my SIL offered to loan us a costume, I took her up on the offer!  

Ryker actually wore the hat for the WHOLE party!  They served some yummy nachos and root beer...they had face painting, cup cake walks, fishing and a fun photo station.  So fun.  Ryker sat so still while they snapped a pic and well, he's just a handsome little boy!  I love him to pieces.

Tomorrow we are going to go see Aunt Lindsay at Melalueca and take a walk through their exhibits.  Saturday, BYUI is having a halloween carnival...and then Sunday, Trevor and I were asked to speak! (woo) And then after church we have a family party luncheon with Trev's fam and a dinner party and pumpking carving with my family.  It will be quite a busy Sunday for us, but thats what holiday's are about!  I just can't believe we are at the end of October! 

Monday I have my 15 week check up.  Yay! I don't know if anyone else feels or felt this way, but I feel like my belly popped out a lot sooner than last time! I swear my body just assumed position of pregnancy.  I'll post some pics when I can remember to ask Trev to take them for me. As for Trevor, he is through mid-terms! YAY!!!! He is of course doing amazing in all his classes and really loves his major. (phew) 

Well, I'm off to go write my talk...on a fabulous topic!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Witches Night Out

Trevor's sisters and mom started a traditional "Girls Night" at Gardner's Village is SLC.  This was my second year going with them and we had a great time!  It seems like the word got out how fun it is, so the Village was packed FULL of witches.  Its basically a Ladies Night and everyone dresses up as a witch and they have prizes and games and some stores have sales.  We ate dinner at Archibalds and it was a 2.5 hour wait! It is crazy busy.  We had fun just spending time together since we waited in lines EVERYWHERE.  Here is the start of the night. 

After our dinner got some fudge for Grandma, shopped and enjoyed some good crowd watching.  Its always fun making time for family and getting closer to those you love.

Before I went there, I got to meet up with one of my mission comps, Leah, who is hilarious.  We met up at Settebello's and I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't eaten there! Real Italian pizza...with a little shoppe full of great gelato!  It was Leah's first time meeting Ryker and we had a blast watching him run around in circles and giggling.  I am grateful for friends who take the time to visit with us...we are so blessed to have good friends in our life...even if we live a couple hours away.

While I was away at witches night, Trev headed down to Provo.  I was extremely jealous cause he was spending time with some of his mission buds, and just a town away from my bestie who got sick and we couldn't see each other. :(  It was great for Trev to have some time with his friends and he said Ryker had a lot of fun being the center of attention there.

We then stayed the night at Trevor's grandmas.  I don't know her very well, so it was nice to get to know her!  She has so much to offer the world and is a great inspiration to me.  I am glad we took the time to see her, and we will probably stay with her more often because she is such a neat lady.  She sang in the MoTab and traveled all over the world.  She has started taking cello lessons, and picked up water aerobics.  I feel like she taught me that I am never too old to start something I've wanted to thank you grandma for your example.

We also visited with Trevor's grandpa who has been having some health problems the last while.  Although he was in a lot of pain, he looked great!  He isn't much of a talker, but I always feel grateful we stopped by to see him.  It was definitely a "grand" weekend!

We were lucky enough to be in town for our neices and nephews primary program and they did a great job! His sister Crystal is so crafty and I always enjoy spending time with her and soaking in her ideas!  We headed home and then celebrated with my family my big brothers birthday.  He turned 27.  His wife is the cutest thing ever and had some super delicious treats.  It feels weird to think he's 27 and I'll be 26 in less than a month.  I feel so old!  I still feel like I'm 18, how did all these years go so fast?

Anyway, we had a great weekend, but as always, we are glad to be home back on our schedule.  I am truly blessed for the time I could spend with people who mean the world to me.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cali Pics

As promised, I FINALLY remembered to get some pics up.
On our way to Califonia!

Trev like a kid in a candy shop

Old Sacramento

Loving the trains!

Train tour

Old Sacramento Downtown "Gold Rush Days"

Mystery Spot

This place is crazy!

Super COLD beach!

This is Kat showing us how windy it was!


Big Ole Redwood

San Francisco Bay Cruise
Playing at Exploratorium

Daddy & Ryk Chairs

Aquarium, This fish was bigger than Ryker!

Touching the starfish

I did the Pearl Factory and my Oyster had 2 pearls!! YAY! 

San Francisco Bay

We had some DELICIOUS food!

Last night in San Fran

Sacramento Temple

Kat & Levi's wedding

Excited to be home to play with toys!

Hopefully I'll get better at posting.  Some of you know, and some of you may not know, that Trevor and I are expecting baby #2 in April! YAY! So thats my excuse why I've been slacking on the blog.  I am just at 12 weeks, so hopefully I'll start feeling more motivated. I've been blessed to not have to much "morning" sickness, but I've had my days.  I just have gotten migraines and insomnia...which is not a good combo for me...but I'll take it over everything else that could be possible. I do love being pregnant, but I just forgot how exhausting the first tri is! 
Well...wish me luck, off to battle my teething toddler.