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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Quick Trip

 We had such a short weekend! It went by WAY to fast. As always.  We had a birthday party for my niece on Friday night.  Poor girl got sick so we didn't really get to celebrate! I can't believe she is 12 and is off at girls camp this week! YIKES! I remember when she was Ryker's age.  And now she is into clothes and teenage girl things!

Then we headed to Utah.  We were able to stop by and hang out with our fun friends, Jeff & Amy.  They have some of the cutest little boys! Grant is a couple moths older than Ryker and he is talking and playing like such a big boy! We went and played at a park and had a fun little picnic.  We played in the sandbox and Ryk had a lot of fun dumping sand into the dump truck.  We also got to try out the swings again.  The last couple of times we've tried the swings, Ryk didn't not like them! But this time, he loved it! Up until he almost fell out. 

I also got to meet up with the bestie, Megs.  We did a quick catch up while we walked through IKEA.  Surprisingly we both left empty handed.  I guess we were to busy talking and taking advantage of the AC.  She looked super cute with her 20 week little belly.  I forgot she was pregnant because I could hardly see her bump! But I did get to talk to her little man and do the creepy belly rub! Thanks Megs! I'm excited to see you again! I am SO excited because I finally get to throw her a baby shower! I missed her wedding so I didn't get to throw her any fun party then.  Its going to be SOOO fun!
(so you Idaho friends, mark your calendar and send me your address so you can come to her shower! August 27th)

Then we had our family pics...while we were waiting in Murray I called my sista (mission sista), Staci. Her and her hubby, Blake came over and we got to see them for a few minutes! I love that girl!  I wish I would;ve taken some pics with her! Dang it. :(

It was SO hot outside...all of us were sweating like crazy.  I hope they turn out good! We then went to get some gelato & pizza at Stettebello. OH.MY.WORD. SOOO good! We didn't get to eat the pizza cause Trev and I had to head back up to Ogden and it was already 10. The gelato was to die for! Its my new favorite and I am glad we live 3 hours away from it or else I would eat it daily! We stayed with my awesome Aunt & Uncle...who I adore. I don't really know a lot of our Utah family, there really is a lot of us all over. But Stella and Randy had kids in identical order and close to the same age as our family.  We all just grew up and played together since we were little.  I wish we were closer, but we all know how life goes.  We got to go to church with them and my cousin Stacey.

Then we headed up to see my Grandma & Grandpa in Bear River.  They seriously crack me.  I love them to pieces!! Ryker loves them and we had fun playing with legos and listening to Grandma tell her stories and update us on the fam.

We finally made it home and we were exhausted.  It was a long 36 hours!  Now Trev is facing finals week and I am SO excited to have him home for 7 weeks! Only 4 more days!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Need some dinner Ideas?

Be prepared to be amazed!  I am going to share some of my favorite recipes! I know...who am I turning into?  I just know how hard it is to find some yummy/easy recipes. I thought I'd share.  I have been cooking a lot more lately, probably because I am finding so my fabulous recipes...and Trevor usually takes the clean up duty. Love him!  Here are a list of things that I've made and all you have to do is click on them to find the recipe.  Hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

Asian Lettuce Wraps (I would add rice to it)

I have tried many a more recipes but these are so yummy I HAD to share!  I especially LOVE  They have so many recipes that sound good...I just haven't tried them yet.

If you have some delish recipes you want to share with me I'd be ok with it.  Just email me or leave a link.  I am on the search for creating my own recipe index to pull from.  Thanks!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We went up to Isalnd Park for a nice Sunday Drive. Ryker LOVES being outside as most kids do. It was so beautiful there.  Trev was rock hunting but silly me, I didn't think he had hiking in mind so I wore flip flops. Our adventures were cut short so we just stuck around Henry's Lake and tried to avoid getting eaten alive by misquitos.

The Parade. Ryker loves Grandma and his cousins!

Kabe & Ryker sharing Grammy's lap.

One of my fav's of the parade. The dancing landscapers! Haha...They crack me up every year!

Getting ready for the Fireworks!

He was really unsure whether to cry or be amazed.

He's trying to be brave but his face is so precious! 

I couldn't keep me eyes from blinking! Flashes are so bright! haha. Our little fam.

Grand Finale for the fireworks and Ryker.

Ryker loved throwing the pops. He thought they were funny.


More sparklers with mommy.
We had such a great weekend.  We enjoyed the heat and the time to get to be together! I was sad when Trev had to go back to school.  3 day weekends are so fabulous.  I can't wait for our 7 week break to get to play all day!!! YAY!!!

My parents and some siblings of mine had a garage sale on Saturday.  We earned a couple extra dollars to put in our California trip savings.  Not much but enough to fill up our gas tank once. haha. Crossing our fingers we'll get some extra couch change and be able to go to my friends wedding in September. So if any of you need anything made then let me know cause we'd love to make some extra $$$ for our trip. (I've never been to California...I KNOW right?!)

Hope you all had a fun 4th!!!