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Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Ant Bully

I can tell that spring is coming because ants start showing up uninvited in the kitchen! Luckily, it is just on the floor around the baseboards, but still, a little disturbing to know that I'm not the only one eating our food! So today I found a bigger trail of them and I swiped them up and set out some cornmeal for them to munch on. (I've heard cornmeal is the trick!?!) Which is great so Ryk won't get harmed or we won't have any dangerous chemicals in free range.  But I really felt like after I was done that I was going to get zapped by ants and named The Ant Bully! haha. I don't know how many of you have seen the movie, but I thought it was cute! (not as cute as pixar but still cute) Especially because its an animated kids movie. I had never heard of it until Trev put it on our Netflix, but it made me think twice about killing those little ants.  Honestly, I'm not the kind to go torture any living thing, but sometimes, when they cross the line, (Ahem, the kitchen line), or start gathering in large crowds on sidewalks...then I have to take matters into my own hands. Which I did. So just to forewarn you, if I don't blog, its probably because I got carried away by ants. :)

 On a different note...Ryker took his first steps yesterday. Yes, Megan, you saw his first pivot, but he really took two and three WHOLE steps without holding me or Trevor! :) We were pretty excited! It is so cute to see Little Man wobbling and balancing and then FINALLY take those steps! But I know now that along with those steps comes some pains, for me and for Ryk. For instance, sometimes Ryk acts like he is going to walk and then bails last minute. Hence the cute little gash that is on his forehead! Poor guy! Sorry!!!
AND!!! Since I had my prayer answered for ATLEAST one day to be sunny and warm this week, I decided I should take my opportunity I was given and go RUNNING!! Oh heaven....It was AAAmazing! I had to bundle Ryker up pretty good though! And YES, those are socks on his hands! I forgot his gloves and when I came in to find them, I couldn't. So socks it was! He stayed awake the whole run and I think he had a lot of fun just being outside. He didn't make a fuss.(atleast not loud enough that I could hear over my music.)    And P.S., I'm selling this jogger cause I just inherited my sisters....WAHOO! I'm in love with it! So if you are interested in a jogger, let me know. I put it up on let me know!

Well I am off. I'm gonna have some Dinner with the parentals since Trev is at the GRAND CANYON for his geology class. What a class! So thats me for the next three days...husband-less. I hate it! But obviously it was not an opportunity to pass up! Adios!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ryk's first Haircut!!! read it right! Ryker got a haircut! It makes him look SOOO grown up! It made me so sad at first because we cut off his long blonde locks, but now I love it! He is definately turning into a toddler! YIKES! It is so fun though because I can see how he is learning things and remembering them. He figured out the other day how to play peekaboo with his shirt. SOO funny! I looked over and his head was in his shirt! haha. And the GREATEST thing yet is that recently he just falls asleep on the floor if hes tired! He loves his blankie and I can hand it to him when he gets fussy and he just snuggles up with it and passes out! I love it! I am just so excited for the summer so we can go out and play in the grass or let him tryout a swing, or go swimming outside! I just seriously can't wait! So come on SPRING!!! 
Before. I know he looks thrilled! But this is "his seat" that he crawls up to watch VeggieTales. He sat here for almost an hour one day!

Getting Ready! He had no idea what was going on!

I had to give him my phone so he'd hold somewhat still. 

After! TaDa... doesn't he look like he can hardly wait to grow up? haha.

Ryk with his blankie...asleep on the floor. LOVE IT!

His shirt makes a great hiding spot!

Little man...his smile makes my heart melt! What a little stink!

And I made this!
Yeah, I had to throw this in there too. I made this handy little thing out of diaper boxes. You can find the Tutorial here. (you might have to scroll through half the page) A thrify crafter Nike (Neekah) was a guest at of my fav craft blogs.  Nike is amazing at being thrifty, which is a reason why I love her blog! But I must've done something wrong because I can't get this dang thing to stay on the wall. I am going to have to put my thinking cap on. I'll show you a pic (maybe) once it is ALL the way done!

Also I have a couple of other things that I want to throw out to you! One...I think it would be fun to start a craft night...once a month or something have a girls craft night. I know a couple of my friends do this already...but if anyone out there would like to be a part of it let me know! mom sells food storage for Thrive/Shelf Reliance. They just came out with FREEZE DRIED yogurt, ice cream and of course have had a lot of other freeze dried fruits and veggies. But Ryker LOVES the yogurt. It is a great snack for everyone. I have bought the stuff at WalMart, but the freeze dried food from Shelf Reliance is soooo much better! My mom, blessed soul, thought to bring some as a snack for Ryk on our day out...and it was SO yummy! Shelf Reliance has a TON of food varieties and options. You can check out her website HERE.

Anyway, I'd like to have a party to show you all some great stuff you can get to store away, or eat now! 25 years shelf life...which is AMAZING! So if you are interested shoot me an email! Don't be shy about it either. I know there are some of you readers out there that are anonymous blog me! But for real...I'd love to have you over to craft and eat with me! Even if we were sorta friends long ago! It'll be fun! And if you are out of state, but still are interested in some yummy snacks or fun crafts, shoot me an email anyway and we'll make it work! (

Thanks for reading the long post. I look forward to hearing from you!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

I Need a Friend! Or atleast a referral!

I know...second post in an hour...lame. Still go check out Ryker's party pics because now this is going to be the "newest" post.

Anyway...quickly let me explain my title! I need someone to color my hair! I don't know if you saw my awesome roots in Ryker's birthday pictures...but I need to get it colored again...badly! Now I once upon had a hair dresser who I LOVED, but the last two times I went in I had an AWFUL experience! Last time I was there for like 5 hours for just a color! She double and triple books herself so instead of being in and out like a professional hair dresser should do, I was there for freaking 5 hours!? That isn't right. I could've gone to a beauty school and been done faster! I was furious...not to mention I was in the dryer for a freaking hour and a half because she had two other clients she was coloring! needless to say I need a friend who wants to hang out and do my hair! And if you don't want to charge me $100+ I will definately be happy! So will my wallet! And I also have another friend who would like to join in on the hair club...any takers? I mean really? And in exchange maybe I can make something for you? Like some yummy cookies or some craft project? I'm just throwing out there for any of you who wants a new friend in your salon chair!

K..thats the end.

Ryker's Birthday Party

Holy Shmokes...Its been a year. When I think of the last year I think of all the patience I have attempted to gain, the lack of sleep I have managed to run on, and the joy I never knew possible until I had this little blue eyed blondee that has changed my life! Oh, I LOVE LOVE LOVE motherhood and I thankful for the chance I have to stay home with this little dancing monkey! (He just learned how to dance and is pretty shy about it. He dances to VeggieTales opening number and if I watch him I have to dance with him to show him its ok...which is quite the funny spectacle to watch since mommy hasn't danced in oh like 7 years? sad.) I don't know about you moms but obviously I can't dance like how I did when I was 17, so my dancing skills has turned into the "White Soul" dance which consists of some awkward jumping jacks and shoulder shrugs! haha...I guess the mommy dance is inevitable for me! Sometimes I snap!!! HAHAHA....ok...went on a random tangent. Back to Ryker!

We have had quite the adventurous year...quick recap. Ryker was born 3/3/10 at 7:28am. 21 1/2 inches and 8 lbs. We've gone from a struggle for his life, to a happy bouncy, dancy, sensitive, mommas boy. And the pictures start! Ready for the million pictures?
This is our little Ryk in the NICU in his oxygen helmet and tubes.

Ryker in my tummy.

1 Year old Ryker! He got some fun blocks from Aunt Bobette and Uncle Trent. Also a book and fun bubbles!

The blocks were a hit with the other kids.

Sawyer and Aubrey came over to help celebrate. Little Sawyer wanted to help Ryk open presents.

He got some fun spanish books!

Daddy has an obsession with K-Swiss, so of course Ryk needed some!

Some clothes and more toys

Some of Rykers cousins. Opening presents is SO exciting for everyone!

Aunt Beth and fam gave him a fun tunnel!

We had a jungle theme party.

Ryk wasn't so sure about the party hat.
Bring on the Party!

Here is his little cake to smash...he was a little nervous about this.

This is him deciding he doesn't like it!

This is me telling him its ok.

I had to smash his little chubby hand into the cake so he could make some kind of mess!

Wondering WHY would I let this happen to him.

Big cake.

Family Shot

Trev is trying to teach him the cake is YUM

When no one was looking and when he wasn't center of attention he decided to give the cake a try.


Finally the cake is ok!

Little Marski and Ryk.

Thank goodness for spoons so we don't make messes. Ryk actually has a wierd obsession with spoons.

He was nicknamed for the night as a ninja turtle.
Clean up time

Pinata time!

Of course I have millions of pictures of the kids batting at the elephant but this is the outcome. Even Ryker is getting in on the action!

Just one more present and then we were to clapping. Everyone started clapping and he was a little confused.

Cousin picture on my side.

Like I said. Obviously there were a million pictures more and video too. But this is what you get for now. You want to see more, come see us! :) We had a lot of fun and to everyone who was there, physically, and those who couldn't make it but wanted to be there...thanks! I can't believe my little man is one. I look forward to the fun year we have ahead of us! Happy Birthday buddy! We love you!!!
oh.p.s. I made his shirt! Just needed a shout out to my pride!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

No Name becaus its randomness

Dear P90X,

Thank you for kicking my trash and helping realize I am not in shape! Thank you for helping me realize I had muscles in places I didn't know existed! But mostly, thanks for the butternut squash soup recipe! It was truly gross and tasted like baby food!

Sore and Immovable

Yes thats right...among the many things I am trying to do, I started p90x! It has taken me a good two weeks to get this program started because it requires some equipment that I didn't have. Like a pull up bar! I CANNOT do pull ups...(not even a quarter of a pull up) but I am hoping after I do this program I will be able to! Also, I found an ONLINE school that has my degree!!!! Wahoo!! I am really excited! NASM (the personal training program I did pre-mission) now has a college affiliate for my degree! I am waiting for them to tell me I am accepted, but hopefully by summer I will be able to go back to school! It is a 3 year program, but I already have some credits that should transfer so hopefully I'll be done sooner that 2014. The degree is Sport Management: Fitness and Wellness Training...meaning I can be a corporate fitness manager or trainer, coach, PE teacher etc. Seriously perfect! Hence why I am doing P90X, because I don't think anyone would want to hire a flabby trainer!

I know you moms know this, but I'd like to emphasize how weak my stomach has gotten since I was pregnant. I still can't sit up all the way! sad!

Well our house has been pretty busy the last couple weeks. Trevor is only one month away from finishing the semester! He is SOO busy with chemistry and pre-calculus, that I am really eager for him to finish. At the same time though, when this semester ends that means that he has to move up to harder classes! YIKES! I'd really like to move back up to Rexburg so that he doesn't have to drive EVERYDAY! UGH!

Also, we are getting ready for Rykers 1st Birthday party!! I KNOW?! He is going to be one on Thursday! How did this year go by so fast? And of course here are some pictures of my little munchkin!

I can't get over this cute little chocolate monster! He is so stinkin funny!

Daddy's 25!
Big Boy PJs. I found these and loved them! He was growing out of all his jammies so we had to stock up! These are my favs!
Rykee loves his cousins, especially Euan!

Generation Rocking Chair. This used to be Grandma Connie's chair. He thinks its fun!

Well its naptime for Ryk which means its workout time for mommy! Gotta be off! Birthday pictures coming soon!