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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Who wants a challenge?! Come on....come on...come on!!!!

Back in August of 2005, President Gordon B. Hinckley of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints gave this challenge:

“If each of you will observe this simple program [to read or reread the Book of Mormon by the end of the year], regardless of how many times you previously may have read the Book of Mormon, there will come into your lives and into your homes an added measure of the Spirit of the Lord, a strengthened resolution to walk in obedience to His commandments, and a stronger testimony of the living reality of the Son of God.” President Gordon B. Hinckley, “A Testimony Vibrant and True,” Liahona and Ensign, Aug. 2005, 6.

I remember hearing the challenge given through the grapevine, but I didn't really heed the counsel.  Lucky for me, Trevor did.  I remember he asked his mom and step-dad, craig, to take this challenge with him.  I remember coming over at night and this little family would be reading the Book of Mormon together. I remember the unity that came into their home. Trevor's relationship with Craig really developed and the spirit that was in their home was one of unity and peace. I enjoyed reading the Book with them the nights that I did. I enjoyed learning from Craig and Trevor and hearing the testimony that each one shared. Even if it was simple.  I know that we had a lot of fun sitting with each other and some really fond memories were were created. I am so grateful for the time I had to share with them, especially with Craig. (He passed away shortly after Trevor and I were married).

I know that many families were blessed and many people learned a great deal.  Testimonies of the Savior Jesus Christ were strengthened. If you want to read more about the incredible experiences members of the Church had, click HERE or HERE to read talks and other material in response.

The other day I got a call from my mom who is taking this challenge again. She also issued me to take the challenge with her.  The challenge: If I read 9 pages a day (starting 1/31/11), then I will have read The Book of Mormon by 3/31/11. I started a couple days late, so I expect to be a couple of days into April. But I also wanted to put out the challenge for anyone else who wanted to "read along." I'd really like to hear from those of you who do it or even start it.  I told Trevor last night about my plan and he had set a goal to read to chapters a day (starting at the beginning of this semester) so he would finish by the end of the semester.

Without knowing that this challenge was coming, I challenged my Sunday School kids (who I LOVE!! 12-13 year olds) to get a hard back of The Book of Mormon, read it by the end of the year and then give it out to someone. I am doing this challenge with them of course but now my reading has just been sped up by 9 months! :)  I also challenged them to memorize The Living Christ. They looked at me like I was crazy but it can be done!!! And I want these little seedlings of mine to develop into oak trees. Where they can develop strong roots in the gospel and not waver. I know atleast two or three of them will complete the challenge!

Like I said, I started it late, like yesterday, but so far I have been really inspired by the simple words of Nephi.  I told my companions that I had a crush of Nephi and I still do. (I think I told Trev..haha) Talk about a hunk! Large in stature and a man of God! Good thing I have a Nephi already, but I will definately be excited to meet Nephi in the next life (of course with Trevor at my side). I read the Book of Mormon a couple of times throughout my mission and I remember I LOVED reading it! I learned so much and felt I knew it inside and out. Unfortunately, I have tried reading it again after my mission and I got to 4 Nephi and then had Ryker and well, time to read went out the window. But its a new year and I have the support of my mom and husband! What a great team!

So occassionally I will probably blog about my experience and the things I am learning and re-learning. I am just really grateful for this second witness of Jesus Christ.  I know that along with The Holy Bible that we can draw closer to our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I know that because of the "wise purposes" of God that we can know where we came from, why we are on this Earth, and what comes next. I am grateful for the promises and covenants that Lord has made to us.
So this post is super long and I don't know if any of you made it to the end, but if you're up for the challenge let me know so I can be on your support team! :)