***Warning***I am going to vent!
OOOOO nothing boils my skin more than bad customer service! It is one thing that just urks me like no other! I really just want to reach over the counter and SLAP the service rep in the face! I have been in customer service for many years and one thing I've learned is that it doesn't matter if you were just yelled at by the last customer, you give the next customer waiting in line a new start and happy attitude!
I just walked into a business to inquire some help and the girl who was helping the line from the get go was R-U-D-E!! But I tried to find something to compliment her on so she'd maybe get a smile but before I could say anything nice she just eminated annoyance. I thought I was pleasant! I really don't know what I did to make her have an awful day! But seriously, get me someone that wants to work with people.
What frustrates me even more is that, sure she may have some qualifications...but how in the WORLD did she get past the interview! "OOO girl, if I was yo boss, I wouldn't even toloraaate!" Seriously!!! I even told her at the end, "Thanks for your help! Have a good day!" And she just stared at me like "You a fool!" AHHH...really! I just can't stand how people can be so beligerant and inconsiderate. What makes it worse is that it put me in a bad mood! UGH! I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but I am more annoyed than anything! Hence why I writing here...
I just have to go back to this place tomorrow and I really dread having to see this girl again. Maybe she just found out her BF was cheating on her or something, I don't know...but she really needs a slap to the CABEZA! Preferably a nice punch would do...yep that would make me happy to see!
So talk about being Christlike and all...haha. I guess that Thinnes blood still runs through me occasionally and I really have tried to be nicer as a person since high school but I guess if you want to get me mad...then be a bad customer service rep or say something rude about my family! Those are about the two things that boils my blood. Well fair warning, most of my friends know this already so sorry for the repeat...just needed to vent!
Oh and I did have something else to ask...to you moms out there...Ryker still doesn't sleep through the night and it feels like it is just getting worse. So as much as I love that little stinker, I have thought about the "Cry it Out" method. Which to me feels inhumane, but I haven't had a FULL nights sleep for over a year!!! And I think it is starting to really wear me down!
So, moms, my question...what would you recommend? If I do the cry it out method, even though he can pull himself up in his crib do I just let him scream at the edge of the bed until he passes out? And how through the night when he wakes up SCREAMING...do I still just let him scream? Even if it rips my hearts to shreds? And is there a better way to get this boy to sleep through the night? I really feel like I've tried everything! But obviously I haven't. Do any of you other moms remember having kids that didn't sleep at night? How did you cope? My thoughts have been, eventually he will get to the point of sleeping and I will miss the little night crawler and then I will wish he still wanted me. AHH, I just don't know. I am just really torn.
So thats my post. A little scatter brained but thats me anyday of the week.