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Sunday, September 5, 2010

I love staying at home!!

Yep...longer than a month! What have I been doing?! WEEEELLLL....I am enjoying being a mom! I can't believe August is over, BTW! Suprisingly, I am not that sad! I love the warm summer months and all, but I am looking forward to the seasons! I am getting ready to decorate our basement space for Autumn! This week we are painting the walls, and then LET THE FUN BEGIN! I have never really been into decorating, mostly because I worked full time and it just wasn't worth it! I still have my wedding flowers as a decoration! haha...I know! So this year I am going to be season friendly!
I am also looking forward to Halloween, dressing up Ryker in a CUTE costume and going door to door to collect candy he can't eat! haha. I seriously am excited! Also, we got a cute little sled that I can pull. You betcha, I am going to bundle the little man to look like the little boy off of A Christmas Story! And I am going to pull him around the neighborhood as my effort to workout in the winter!!! Atleast thats what I say I am going to do!
Goodness, August was a busy month! We went to Utah for a Jack Johnson concert! SOOO fun! Except somehow Trevor and I always end up around the annoying girls who feel that they need to be center of attention! I know...high school paybacks! I can't even get mad at them because BEEN THERE DONE THAT!! The only annoying thing is that they are MY AGE! Really, I can accept high school craziness, but when you are jumping around and invading blanket are on my hit list! ha.
We also had an AWESOME family camping trip to Bear Lake! Ryker didn't like the lake water waves so much. It was a little too windy for my taste, but needless to say, SOOOOO FUUUUN!! We had the famous Rasberry Shakes and ate delicious food. An awesome last HOOORAH to summer!
So when we were in Utah we stopped at Gardner Village! I LOVE THAT PLACE! It like inspired me! I walked into all the shops and not that I close my mouth anyway when I am in my own world, but literally had my jaw dropped through most stores! I was like...OOOHH, I CAN TOTALLY MAKE THIS! Hence the inspiration to decorate. And my new project. Are you ready for this?! I am starting a little home business! I know! So great! What you ask?! Let me tell you!
So, I have gone to many craft fairs and markets in hopes that I find some cute boy things! What do I find?! BOWS, HEADBANDS, TUTUS and every cute girl thing I could ever think up! I was almost tempted, EMPHASIZE ALMOST, to be like "Alright Trev. I need a girl!" But then I came to my senses and said, "I will just make cute boy things!" Which was a FABULOUS idea! I have started to make little ties. Can you say CUTE!? I know. I love having a little boy. I am constantly turning the wheels in my little head. I am going to do a lot of stuff...which I'll show you once I get there!
How it started? Well, I started by buying an $18 tie for Ryker. I KNOW! Ridiculous! but when that is all there is at craft fairs?! Anyway, I looked at this tie Trevor desperately wanted and I tried to convince him that I could make my own! His argument was valid from past experiences in that I have STARTED a billion projects! And no need to continue on with that sentence. But I took that as a challenge. I found myself a $50 sewing machine, bought some fabric and a pattern and went to work! Dang right! Six ties later, I found myself LOVING it!!! I showed them to family and they convinced me to sell! So I went to my first craft fair (which was poorly advertised and overpriced) but to check out what I was up against! In a craft fair of 10 vendors...I was THE ONLY one selling boy accessories! Yes, I counted. Atleast six of the vendors were bows, flowers, headbands and jewelry! I didn't sell my ties, but I had a handful of people who gave me their info who are interested in buying my ties! I even have a photographer who wants my ties to photograph the little guys she takes pictures of. EXPOSURE! I traded some tie work. And a lady brought me a bag of fabric to make ties for her toddler! I am having so much fun! And the ladies at the craft fair have become instant buds! I have never been a girl fan, but wow! I had SOO much fun sitting with these ladies!
All in all, I LOVE being a stay at home mom! I love seeing Rykers smiling face all day! I love his giggles and now, I LOVE dressing him up in things I've made! Who could ask for a better life?! Really?!
I know that living in a basement isn't ideal, but if I get to do what I LOVE?! I cannot complain! Well I am going to upload the picture I took of Ryker! This was at my table to advertise and show off my crafty work! I hope you enjoy!
And if you know anyone that needs boy accessories, I am the girl! I have lots and lots of Ideas!!!